Solidarity organisation calls on support for Iranian mineworkers

The recent explosion at the privately owned Ma’adanJo mine in Tabas, in Khorasan Province East Iran, has trapped at least 69 miners in tunnels, hundreds of meters deep and, at the most recent count, resulted in 51 deaths. 

Woman, Life, Freedom: two years of defiance in Iran

Iran’s women’s rights movement now joins widespread unrest, as pensioners, steelworkers and students unite against corruption, repression and economic mismanagement by the theocratic regime, writes STEVE BISHOP

Iran: Two years after ‘Woman Life Freedom’ uprising, impunity for crimes reigns supreme

People in Iran continue to endure the devastating consequences of the authorities’ brutal crackdown on the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising amid systematic impunity for crimes under international law, Amnesty International said today, ahead of the two-year anniversary of the protests that saw people across Iran challenge decades of oppression and gender-based discrimination.

Continuing crises and courageous resistance among Iran’s workers

Activists who are carrying forward the democratic struggle of the Iranian people for peace, human rights and social progress need our urgent solidarity, says JAMSHID AHMADI

IRAN TODAY Autumn 2024 was published by CODIR!

The Autumn issue of Iran Today, the quarterly Bulletin of CODIR, the progressive campaign for peace, human and democratic rights, and social justice in Iran was published by CODIR! – Editorial: Crises, Resistance, and Change! Page 2 – Iranian elections […]


The third round of teacher strikes began in Iran

Teachers on strike at the school gate , Marivan, West Iran

Sunday 3 March 2019 Teachers on strike at the school  gate , Marivan, West Iran As previously was announced teachers in different regions across Iran joined a national strike in defence of their pay and conditions of service and refused […]

Trade union solidarity is vital for the success of our campaign

Support human and democratic rights – including women’s rights and trade union rights – in Iran; Support CODIR! UNISON is one of the most active trade unions in Britain that promotes the campaign for peace, as well as human and […]


1 March is the day to campaign globally against death penalty.   There was a march and rally in Brussels (Belgium) on 1 March in which hundreds of people participated. Courts in Islamic Republic of Iran continued to imposed death sentences […]

Systematic violation of human rights in Iran

Demonstration in support of protesting steel workers by their families in the city of Ahvaz, Iran, in December 2018. The placards read: “We are the children of workers. We stand alongside them.” © Iranian Labour News Agency

IRAN Islamic Republic of Iran Head of state: Sayed Ali Khamenei Head of government: Hassan Rouhani The human rights situation in Iran severely deteriorated. The authorities suppressed the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, as well as […]

The last total revolution turns 40

The Iranian revolution was the last grand illusion of the 20th century. by Hamid Dabashi I can close my eyes and hear the chants: “Marg bar fascism! Marg bar fascism!” It was a fine summer day in July 1979. I […]

Remembering the ‘Iranian Spring’ of 1979 — Before the Ayatollahs Took Over

By Mahmood Delkhasteh LONDON — The most dramatic moment of the 1979 Iranian revolution was Black Friday. Within a few days, the Shah was shaken by two subsequent mass demonstrations against his regime and, in order to prevent a third one, declared […]

40 Years on: The struggle for justice continues in Iran

7th February 2019 With the 40th anniversary of the Iranian revolution fast approaching, are the hopes of the Iranian people for peace, freedom and democracy any closer to being realised than at the time of the fall of the Shah?     […]

Britain Trade Unions call for an immediate end to repression in Iran

In response to a call by Amnesty International for the immediate release of Esmail Bakhshi and Sepideh Gholian from prison, representatives of the British trade union movement – including the TUC, UNISON, the International  Transport Federation, NASUWT and UCU – joined […]

Labor Activist Ali Nejati Denied Medical Treatment Against Doctor’s Orders

Petition Signed by 800 People Calls on Iran to Release Striking Haft Tappeh Workers Detained labor rights activist Ali Nejati is being denied medical treatment for heart disease and kidney and prostate problems in Shush Prison in the city of […]

White House hawks have no answers for the Iranian people

29th January 2019 With US intervention back on the international agenda in Venezuela, White House hawks, Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and National Security Adviser, John Bolton, have not taken their eye off US long term ambitions in the Middle […]