Solidarity organisation calls on support for Iranian mineworkers

The recent explosion at the privately owned Ma’adanJo mine in Tabas, in Khorasan Province East Iran, has trapped at least 69 miners in tunnels, hundreds of meters deep and, at the most recent count, resulted in 51 deaths. 

Woman, Life, Freedom: two years of defiance in Iran

Iran’s women’s rights movement now joins widespread unrest, as pensioners, steelworkers and students unite against corruption, repression and economic mismanagement by the theocratic regime, writes STEVE BISHOP

Iran: Two years after ‘Woman Life Freedom’ uprising, impunity for crimes reigns supreme

People in Iran continue to endure the devastating consequences of the authorities’ brutal crackdown on the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising amid systematic impunity for crimes under international law, Amnesty International said today, ahead of the two-year anniversary of the protests that saw people across Iran challenge decades of oppression and gender-based discrimination.

Continuing crises and courageous resistance among Iran’s workers

Activists who are carrying forward the democratic struggle of the Iranian people for peace, human rights and social progress need our urgent solidarity, says JAMSHID AHMADI

IRAN TODAY Autumn 2024 was published by CODIR!

The Autumn issue of Iran Today, the quarterly Bulletin of CODIR, the progressive campaign for peace, human and democratic rights, and social justice in Iran was published by CODIR! – Editorial: Crises, Resistance, and Change! Page 2 – Iranian elections […]


Bachelet calls on Iran to address multiple human rights violations in context of recent protests

GENEVA (6 December 2019) – As more information gradually filters out of Iran in the wake of the recent protests, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Friday expressed alarm at the continuing lack of transparency about […]

Leaders of Britain’s influential union of teachers and educationalists protest against repression in Iran

29 November 2019 To His Excellency, Hamid Baeidinejad, the Iranian Ambassador, Your Excellency, We are writing as representatives of the National Education Union to express our deep concern about the violence perpetrated by the Iranian authorities during recent days against […]

Iran: Death toll from bloody crackdown on protests rises to 208

2 December 2019, 15:51 UTC The number of people believed to have been killed during demonstrations in Iran that broke out on 15 November has risen to at least 208, said Amnesty International, based on credible reports received by the […]

UNISON condemns murderous attack on protesters in Iran

H.E. Mr Hamid Baeidinejad Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran 16 Prince’s Gate LONDON SW7 1PT By email: Tuesday, 3 December 2019 Dear Ambassador, On behalf of UNISON’s 1.3 million members, working in public […]

Teacher’s Union protests clamp down in Iran

HE Hamid Baeidinejad Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran 16 Princes Gate London SW7 1PT Dear Your Excellency, I write on behalf of the NASUWT, the Teachers’ Union to express our outrage at the violent abuses committed by Iranian […]

Abolfazl Ghadiani: The Foremost and Ultimate Culprit for All Spilled Blood [in Iran] is Khamenei

Iran’s current tyrant does not want to give up his destructive and tension-building policies in the region, the world beyond, [or to take any step towards reducing tension]. This is because he is extremely fearful that if his foreign policy […]

Iran: World must strongly condemn use of lethal force against protesters as death toll rises to 143

25 November 2019, 17:01 UTC The international community must denounce the intentional lethal use of force by Iranian security forces that has resulted in the killings of at least 143 protesters since demonstrations broke out on 15 November, Amnesty International […]

Leaked Iran Cables: Key Findings From Secret Documents

Details from a trove of secret Iranian intelligence cables were published simultaneously by The Intercept and The New York Times on Monday. The leak exposed Iran’s vast influence in Iraq, detailing the painstaking efforts of Iranian spies to co-opt Iraqi […]

Independent rights experts sound alarm at Iran protest crackdown, internet blackout

UN Photo/Milton Grant A view of Tehran, Iran, 11 December 1997

22 November 2019 Human Rights Reports of killed and maimed demonstrators, and a continuing nationwide internet shutdown in Iran’s now week-long protests are of “grave concern”, and the Government and authorities must ensure rights of expression and opinion are protected, […]

ITUC condemns Iranian government’s lethal violence against protesters

The ITUC has condemned the brutal suppression of nationwide protests by the Iranian authorities, which has cost more than 250 lives. 21-11-2019 Credible reports indicate that some 3,700 people have been injured and several thousands arrested. Information has been difficult […]