Archive for December, 2020
Iran nuclear deal: ‘Heated rhetoric and the heightened risk of miscalculation’ widen differences

Although the landmark Iran nuclear deal could improve regional stability if fully implemented, increased tensions have highlighted the risks posed by escalation, the UN’s Political and Peacebuilding Affairs chief told the Security Council on Tuesday. Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo was speaking […]
Iran: Execution of journalist Rouhollah Zam a ‘deadly blow’ to freedom of expression

12 December 2020, 13:01 UTC Responding to the news that the Iranian authorities hanged dissident journalist Rouhollah Zam today, Diana Eltahawy, Deputy Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International, said: “We are shocked and horrified […]
Iran: UN calls for accountability on 1988 prison massacres marks turning point in three-decade struggle

9 December 2020 A group of UN human rights experts have written to the Iranian government warning that past and ongoing violations related to prison massacres in 1988 may amount to crimes against humanity and that they will call for an international […]
Human rights in Iran must be a priority for all – a briefing

LIBERATION BRIEFING Human rights in Iran must be a priority for all – a briefing Liberation and CODIR believe human rights in Iran must be a priority for all, as peace, stability and social justice in Iran will provide the […]
Human rights in Iran must be a British priority

Government policy on Iran will feature in a Westminster Hall debate led by John Howell MP on Wednesday. JANE GREEN considers where the emphasis should lie THE policy of the British government towards Iran was summed up by Middle East […]