Human rights in Iran must be a priority for all – a briefing


Human rights in Iran must be a priority for all – a briefing

Liberation and CODIR believe human rights in Iran must be a priority for all, as peace, stability and social justice in Iran will provide the basis for peace and stability in the region. On Wednesday 9 December MPs debated UK ‘Government policy on Iran’ at the Westminster Hall, London.

Briefing for MPs – Westminster Hall debate on ‘Government policy on Iran’

This briefing has been prepared by Liberation and CODIR to inform MPs ahead of the debate in Westminster Hall on ‘Government policy on Iran’, scheduled for Wednesday 9 December 2020 from 2.30pm to 4.00pm and led by John Howell MP.


The Westminster Hall debate on Wednesday 9 December on the UK government’s policy on Iran provides an important opportunity to influence whether a path towards a further devasting war or one to peace in the Middle East is taken.

Liberation has joined with the Committee for Defence of Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) to work towards securing a progressive, pro-peace and pro-people British foreign policy in relation to Iran.  Liberation believes that, given its strategic location at the intersection of three continents on the shores of the Persian Gulf, a stable and peaceful Iran is the key to peace and detente in the Middle East. 

We would like you to support our work by participating directly in the process of shaping the refocusing UK foreign policy towards Iran.

Key policy proposals

  1. If the UK government is serious about its commitment to achieving stability in the Middle East region, it is essential to take this opportunity in parliament to break away from past policies and statements of threats and intimidation against Iran.
  2. It is widely recognised that the regime in Iran is anti-democratic, with a long record of abuse of human rights and oppression of workers and women.
  3. However, solidarity with the Iranian people must not be clouded or confused with hostile rhetoric, especially that coming from the current occupier of the White House, or worse, actions which pose a threat to world peace.
  4. The first step in clarifying and developing Britain’s policy on Iran must be to vigorously oppose any drive to war.
  5. Second, with a new US President, there is an opportunity for a resumption of the JCPOA to enable Iran to abide by its commitments.
  6. Third, The UK should support the lifting of all sanctions against Iran, which are helping push the Iranian people into greater impoverishment and suffering.
  7. Fourth, Britain should push for the Iranian government to respect international conventions on human rights, self- determination, and peaceful relations between nations.
  8. This is an opportunity for a decisive change in British/Iranian relations which would contribute to a reduction in distrust and the threat of catastrophic war.

We hope MPs will contribute to the Westminster Hall debate and otherwise make representations to the Government around the above points to seek a change of Her Majesty’s Government’s policy on Iran to one that contributes to peace, human and democratic rights, and social justice in Iran and the wider region.

Further queries contact: Jamshid Ahmadi,

Further information

Please see today’s feature article published in the Morning Star on the subject.

Liberation (formerly the Movement for Colonial Freedom) is one of the oldest UK-based human rights organisations. We oppose neo-colonialism, economic exploitation and racism, and champion social and economic justice.


Twitter: @LiberationorgUK
Facebook: @liberationorg 
Instagram: @liberationorguk

CODIR, founded in 1981,aims to provide truthful and unbiased information and analysis about the reality of life in Iran. CODIR is an affiliate of Liberation.



Twitter: @CODIRInfo


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