The oppressed people of the Middle East urgently need a permanent and sustainable ceasefire. The catastrophic war on Gaza, which has so far led to the massacre of more than 43,000 people, mostly children and civilian women and men, and the devastating war on Lebanon, which has already resulted in the killing of about 3000 people and the displacement of more than 1.3 million people, must immediately end.
The Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, together with the labour and humanitarian organizations around the world, calls for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the war on and the siege of Gaza, and the withdrawal of the Israeli army from all occupied lands in Palestine and Lebanon, and an end to military conflicts and retaliatory measures between the governments of Israel and Iran.
The working class, the labour movement, and marginalized people have historically been the primary victims of regional wars and the geopolitical conflicts of world powers, enduring significant human, economic, and political repercussions. In this context, both immediate or prolonged warfare offer no short term or long term advantages to workers. Instead, such conflicts will result in increased casualties among the working class and hard working families, exacerbate our economic hardships and poverty, and facilitate the misappropriation of public resources. Furthermore, under the guise of a wartime environment, we will face heightened repression and a further loss of rights, accompanied by a substantial escalation in military expenditures and armament costs.
The tragic Iran-Iraq war still remains in the collective memory of us as the working class. We have not forgotten how during the war, all independent labour organizations were crushed by the government, activist workers belonging to independent trade unions and workers’ councils were fired, arrested, and sent to prisons, and thousands and thousands of young people, mainly from working class backgrounds, were executed without any legal or human justification. We have not forgotten that workers and children of working families died on the war fronts, and at the same time, the country’s workers were forced to accept unbearable conditions without rights, and any protest was suppressed. It is also not forgotten that after the war, the “reconstruction period” started and continued with the support of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund on the shoulders of us workers and with the massive attack of the government and capitalists on the working class.
As a component of the independent labour movement in Iran, which has consistently garnered international support from workers in various countries, we bear the responsibility to extend our solidarity to workers and marginalized populations both within the region and globally. No degree of rightful protest and disgust of us workers and oppressed people towards the repressive actions of the Iranian government in the country or its foreign policies justifies the militaristic actions and policies of the Israeli government and indifference to more than 75 years of oppression and atrocities towards the Palestinian people and the massacre and genocide since last year. The fact is that the just resolution of the Palestinian issue has emerged as one of the most urgent priorities in the Middle East and globally.
Say no to war, condemn warlike and militaristic policies, and strive for achieving justice, freedom, equality, and a lasting peace along with all its essential necessities.
With the hope that justice and peace will be realized around the world
Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company
October 31, 2024
Central Executive Council