Affiliate to CODIR!


Our continued work to inform world public opinion and mobilise solidarity with the Iranian people relies on the support of our affiliates. These affiliates are the main engine and power behind the success of our decades-long campaign for peace, human and democratic rights, and social justice in Iran

 Dear campaigner for human and democratic rights

We invite [you/your trade union/your organisation] to affiliate (renew your affiliation) to CODIR, the solidarity organisation that campaigns for peace, human and democratic rights, trade union rights, and social justice in Iran!

Your valuable support for CODIR’s work will enable us to expand our crucial campaign for the recognition of human and trade union rights as well as for the release of women campaigners; Iranian trade unionists; student and youth activists; peace campaigners; and writers, poets and artists from unlawful imprisonment.

Every year, our campaign for freedom and social justice results in many positive outcomes.  The Iranian authorities feel the pressure of international public opinion when the abuse of human and democratic rights that is taking place in the country is brought to attention beyond Iran’s borders.  They know that we scrutinise their every action and statement.  Iranian trade unionists on the ground in Iran who are in contact with CODIR have confirmed the effectiveness of our campaigns and their reverberations, and have called on us to continue and expand upon them.

Your affiliation is crucial for the broadening and deepening of our campaign.

The affiliations of a number of national trade unions in Britain, including UNISON; UNITE; NASUWT; NEU; FBU; and RMT to CODIR has contributed to our organisation becoming the longstanding and recognised voice of solidarity with the Iranian working people across Europe and the English-speaking world.  CODIR continues to work closely with a number of independent trade unions in Iran who operate independently of government sanction and, as a result, at continual great risk to their respective organisations and memberships.

CODIR’s campaigns have won the support of many progressive MPs, trade unions, and trades councils in the UK, across the EU, in Turkey, and in North America – and we now have activists in India.


E-mail: [email protected]

CODIR publishes Iran Today, its regular journal since 1981, explaining the latest developments in Iran and the most effective way that people in Britain can demonstrate their solidarity with the people of Iran.  CODIR also publishes press releases, newsletters and articles about important events in Iran.  Please visit CODIR’s website to find out more about what we stand for:

Please complete the affiliation form and send, together with your affiliation fee payable to CODIR.

Help us to ensure that the cry of the Iranian people for peace, human and democratic rights, and social justice resounds around the world!  Affiliate to CODIR.

Thank you for your continued support.

Jane Green

National Campaigns Officer


CODIR’s postal address:



London WC1N 3XX.