About Us

CODIR was established in 1981 by a group of British labour and trade union activists in collaboration with Iranian democrats living in exile in the UK.

The main aim of the organisation since its inception has been to provide truthful and unbiased information and analysis about the reality of life in Iran.

CODIR campaigned against the eight-year fratricidal Iran-Iraq war.  It has also worked hard against the brutal suppression of human rights and other abuses committed by the regime in Iran.

CODIR supports the work of genuine trade unions and workers organisations in Iran and campaigns for the implementation of all ILO Conventions that Iran is a signatory of, in particular ILO Conventions 87 (Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention) and 98 (the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention).

CODIR campaigns have won the support of many progressive MPs, MEPs, trade unions and trades councils.  CODIR enjoys the widest support amongst trade unions in the UK with UNISON; UNITE, NEU, NASUWT, UCU, FBU; RMT, GFTU; and Scottish UNISON all on the list of its affiliates for many years now.

CODIR has published Iran Today, its quarterly journal, since 1981, explaining the latest developments in Iran and the most effective way that British public opinion can demonstrate its solidarity with the people of Iran.  CODIR also publishes press releases and statements on important developments in Iran or about Iran.

In recent years CODIR has worked closely with the Stop the War Coalition and has been vocal against any form of foreign intervention in the internal affairs of Iran.

CODIR operates branches in several English-speaking countries as well as Britain, including the United States, Canada, and Cyprus.  It also works with members of the European Parliament.  CODIR maintains good working relations with the IndustriALL Global Union, as well as trade unions across a number of countries in Europe.  At present, 8 trade unions are nationally affiliated to CODIR, including the FBU; GFTU, NASUWT; NEU, RMT; UCU; UNISON; and UNITE.

Officers of CODIR:

General Secretary: Gawain Little (GFTU)

President: Alex Gordon (RMT)

Honorary Deputy President: Tom Sibley

Assistant General Secretary: Jamshid Ahmadi (UNISON, ICTUR)

Treasurer: David Crosher

National Campaigns Officer: Payam Solhtalab

Iran Today Editor: Brian Topping

Postal Address:





Website: www.codir.net

E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

X (formerly Twitter): @CODIRInfo