Archive for July, 2021

Iran: Security forces use live ammunition and birdshot to crush Khuzestan protests

Iran’s security forces have deployed unlawful force, including by firing live ammunition and birdshot, to crush mostly peaceful protests taking place across the southern province of Khuzestan, Amnesty International said today. Video footage from the past week, coupled with consistent […]

Iran: the uprising of the thirsty

PAYAM SOLHTALAB writes on the ever-deepening water crisis in Iran’s oil-rich Khuzestan province and reveals its root Protesters march with a banner reading ‘Without water, without jobs, without health. Khuzestan is not Iran’s stepchild!’ OVER recent days, an already tense […]

Unite stands in solidarity with striking Iranian oil and petrochemical workers

Unite the Union stands in solidarity with the workers in the oil and gas industries in Iran, whose strikes began on the19th June over numerous violations of their working conditions, working rights, wages and the exploitation of workers by labour […]

Solidarity message of Unison UK to the striking oil workers in Iran

Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) Islamic Republic of Iran [email protected] Thursday, 8 July 2021 On behalf of UNISON’s 1.3 million members, working in public services in the UK, we send our solidarity and support to the Union […]

In solidarity with oil and gas workers and their Strike Campaign 1400 in Iran

Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) Islamic Republic of Iran [email protected] 16th July 2021 Dear sisters and brothers, I am writing this letter to you as the President of PTT Labour Union  to express our full support and […]

Solidarity message of CO-industri Denmark to the striking oil workers in Iran

Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI)                                                                     Dato:          7. juli 2021                                                                                                                 Sagsbehandler       :           RJ/BKL Islamic Republic of Iran CO-sagsnr.    : INT-2019-01117 [email protected]  Deres journalnr.   :  In solidarity with oil and gas workers and their Strike […]

Solidarity message of FBU UK to the striking oil workers in Iran

Our Ref: MW/sll 7 July 2021 Dear ColleaguesMessage of solidarity and support On behalf of the members of the Fire Brigades Union I am writing to send our solidarity and support to all workers at oil and gas projects and […]

Solidarity message of NEU UK to the striking oil workers in Iran

Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) Via Email: [email protected] 6 July 2021 Dear Colleagues Message of Solidarity with the striking workers in the oilfields of Iran On behalf of the National Education Union (NEU), we salute the determination […]

Solidarity message of CFMEU Australia to the striking oil workers in Iran

5th July 2021 Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) Islamic Republic of Iran [email protected]  In solidarity with oil and gas workers and their Strike Campaign 1400 in Iran  Dear sisters and brothers, I am writing this letter to […]


06.07.2021 On behalf of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT Union) our Union pledges “total solidarity” with striking Iranian oil and gas workers fighting for better wages, adequate social security and better living conditions. We wholeheartedly […]