Category: News about Women

The Situation of Women’s Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran…

HRANA – On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Human Rights Activists in Iran highlights the situation of women’s rights in Iran during the 8 year term of President Hassan Rouhani. The following report includes an 8-year statistical overview of the […]

Press release – Urgent action on International Women’s Day 2021

8th March 2021 For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has called upon trade union leaders in the UK to take urgent action on International Women’s Day (8th March) to highlight the ongoing […]

Solidarity with Women political prisoners in Iran

CODIR calls for the release of Iranian human rights lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, serving 38 years in prison for simply doing her job! On the eve of 8th March CODIR appeals to the trade union and labour movement in Britain to […]

Women Political Prisoners Warn of Another Disaster in the Making!

In an open letter published on 2 March 2021, eight political prisoners in the women’s ward of Iran’s notorious Evin Prison spoke of their concern at the total lack of any attention to the health and safety of the inmates.  […]

Iran’s female alpine ski team is coachless in Italy

The women’s alpine ski team from Iran is at the world championships in Italy without a coach — because her husband has refused to let her to travel. The coach of Iran’s national women’s alpine ski team was supposed to […]

A #MeToo Awakening Stirs in Iran

The #MeToo movement has hit a nerve among Iran’s women. Now accusations against a politically connected celebrity artist are testing the movement in a sexually conservative society dominated by men. By Farnaz Fassihi Oct. 22, 2020 Three years into the global […]

Iranian Women’s Struggle against anti-women state policies and systemic violence

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which is held on 25th of November commemorates three Mirabal sisters, who were tortured and killed in 1960, by the Dominican dictator, Rafael Trujillo. We approach this date while COVID-19 […]

Interview: Protest, equality, and the challenge of the pandemic for women in Iran

The Democratic Organisation of Iranian Women (DOIW) has been for decades at the forefront of the struggle for social justice and equal rights for women in Iran.  The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown up new challenges.  CODIR invited Dr Azar Sepehr […]

Iran’s women struggle for basic rights

2nd June 2020 The so-called honour killing of fourteen year old Romina Ashrafi last week, beheaded by her own father, has sent shock waves throughout Iran and across the world.  Even in a society as conservative as the Islamic Republic […]

Jailed Iranian Activist Nasrin Sotoudeh Writes a Plea for Peace on International Women’s Day

BY NASRIN SOTOUDEH MARCH 6, 2020 One afternoon, on a late spring day in 2018, a group of officers from the Iranian Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Intelligence came and arrested me while I was home alone. They took me […]