IRAN TODAY Autumn 2023 was published by CODIR!

The Autumn issue of Iran Today, the progressive campaign for peace, human and democratic rights, and social justice in Iran was published by CODIR!

-Editorial: Theocratic Regime is Fearful, Desperate, and Despotic! Page 2

-Public sector workers fight poverty wages and insecure employment Page 3

-Protest movement gathers pace by Steve Bishop Pages 4-5

-INTERVIEW: “The struggle for democratic change in Iran has reached the point of no return!” Pages 6-7

-On the Eve of the Anniversary of the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement, DOIW Pages 8-9

-The “Woman, Life, Freedom” Protests… The Situation Going Forward Pages 10-11

If you would like to receive printed copies of the magazine please e-mail CODIR at [email protected] .

For the online version of Iran Today please click here.

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