Solidarity with the Striking Contract Workers in Iran

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) a class oriented Trade Union Confederation representing more than 7 million workers and an affiliate of WFTU, extends international working class solidarity to the striking Contract workers in Iran working in Oil and Natural Gas sectors and Petrochemical complexes, Power Plant etc. under the banner of ‘Council for Organizing Non-Permanent Oil Workers’ who are on massive country wide strike from June, 19, 2024. 

The demands of the striking workers are implementation of a 14-day rotational duty schedule of 14 days working on site and 14 days paid off like permanent workers, elimination of private employment commission agencies and no contractors but direct employment by the companies and wage hikes. The striking workers are also demanding improvements in living conditions, proper cleanliness and sanitation in dormitories, better food in canteens, improved transport services to work locations, efficient safety measures in the workplace etc.   

These ongoing campaigns and actions against exploitative regime friendly powerful contractors are part of a series of protest actions by project workers gained momentum in mainly the Southern Region of Iran. The Strike has spread over 110 Companies, involving more than 20,000 workers. Despite threats, intimidation and other deceptive maneuvers, the striking contract workers of Oil and Gas industry stand firmly with their just and legitimate demands. 

It is learnt that in recent years, Iran’s Oil and Natural Gas industry has resorted to massive engagement of contract workers replacing permanent workers with imposition of anti-labour service conditions and exploitative low wages. 

CITU has also been given to understand that the on-going protests, agitation and strike action by workers are integral to the increasing working class struggles in Iran. Workers in the country have been continuously voicing their grievances over low wages, delayed payment, arbitrary layoffs, and of course impacts of privatization policies.

CITU fully supports and endorses the just demands of the Contract workers of the Oil, Natural Gas and Petrochemical Industry of Iran and urge upon the Iranian Government to fulfill the demands of the workers. 

The CITU is hopeful that the striking Workers of Iran shall be successful in achieving their just demands. CITU also calls upon the entire fraternity of the WFTU within the country and abroad to stand in solidarity struggling workers of Iran.     Issued by

(Swadesh DevRoye)

Head of International Affairs & Secretary, CITU

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