Mr. Hassan Rouhani
Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Dear Mr. President Hassan Rouhani,
I am writing this letter to you as the General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union, which represents more than fifty million workers in mining, energy and manufacturing sectors in more than 140 countries, including Iran, to urge you to immediately release the imprisoned union leaders and to ensure the full respect of fundamental labour rights in the country.
We have received worrisome reports indicating the persecution, including detention, of workers and trade union leaders for exercising their fundamental trade union rights. In this sense, we call for the immediate and unconditional release of all imprisoned workers and union leaders, including Ismail Abdi and Reza Shahabi.
IndustriALL Global Union once again urges the Government of Iran to ratify ILO Convention
87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize, and Convention 98 on the Right to organize and Collective Bargaining. This is a clear call to your administration to guarantee the rights of workers to join unions and to enjoy the protection of collective bargaining.
We expect that your administration will act promptly to foster an environment conducive to the full promotion and respect of trade unions rights.
We anticipate your quick reply. Sincerely yours,
Sincerely yours,
Valter Sanches
General Secretary