Solidarity organisation calls on support for Iranian mineworkers

The recent explosion at the privately owned Ma’adanJo mine in Tabas, in Khorasan Province East Iran, has trapped at least 69 miners in tunnels, hundreds of meters deep and, at the most recent count, resulted in 51 deaths. 

Woman, Life, Freedom: two years of defiance in Iran

Iran’s women’s rights movement now joins widespread unrest, as pensioners, steelworkers and students unite against corruption, repression and economic mismanagement by the theocratic regime, writes STEVE BISHOP

Iran: Two years after ‘Woman Life Freedom’ uprising, impunity for crimes reigns supreme

People in Iran continue to endure the devastating consequences of the authorities’ brutal crackdown on the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising amid systematic impunity for crimes under international law, Amnesty International said today, ahead of the two-year anniversary of the protests that saw people across Iran challenge decades of oppression and gender-based discrimination.

Continuing crises and courageous resistance among Iran’s workers

Activists who are carrying forward the democratic struggle of the Iranian people for peace, human rights and social progress need our urgent solidarity, says JAMSHID AHMADI

IRAN TODAY Autumn 2024 was published by CODIR!

The Autumn issue of Iran Today, the quarterly Bulletin of CODIR, the progressive campaign for peace, human and democratic rights, and social justice in Iran was published by CODIR! – Editorial: Crises, Resistance, and Change! Page 2 – Iranian elections […]


Iranian Human Rights Attorneys Speak Out Against State-Approved List of 20 Lawyers For “National Security” Cases

Human rights lawyers in Iran are speaking out against a list released by the judiciary designating 20 state-approved lawyers to exclusively represent detainees held on politically motivated charges. “A number of lawyers have said they are ready to hold a […]

Truckers display new face of popular protest in Iran

On the first day of what quickly became Iran’s largest trucker strike in recent years, a driver told his audience on film, “Today, May 22, on the ring road of Kavar, we are making sure that none of the vehicles driving between […]

Iran & Sanctions: A Prelude to War?

May 29, 2018 The question is: has the Trump administration already made a decision to go to war with Iran, similar to the determination of the Bush administration to invade Iraq in the aftermath of the 2001 attacks on New […]

Iran: Teachers’ Rights Advocate Mohammad Habibi Still In Detention

Mohammad Habibi, a member of the board of directors of the Teacher’s Trade Association of Tehran who was beaten and arrested on May 10 Tehran’s teachers gathering, has been held in the Great Tehran Penitentiary without access to legal representation. […]

A jailed trade union leader is on hunger strike in Iran. Help us secure his release

The TUC is demanding the immediate release of Esmail Adbi, jailed by the Iranian regime for defending workers’ rights. The TUC is supporting an Amnesty International campaign for the immediate release of jailed Iranian teacher and trade union leader Esmail […]


Esmail Abdi – an Iranian maths teacher and trade unionist – was arrested on 27 June 2015 after voluntarily going to Evin prison to ask why he’d been banned from travel. He was planning to attend the global union Education […]

Iranian Teachers Jailed, Shackled After Peaceful Protest

Retired and active Iranian teachers demonstrate outside Tehran’s planning & budget office, May 10, 2018, to demand greater government funding for education. In this image protesters hold a sign advocating free education for Iranian children. Iranian security forces later broke […]

Teachers, Environmental Activists Arrested Across Iran

Thousands of teachers, both active and retired, took to the streets in Tehran and several other Iranian cities May 10 to protest their paltry salaries and what they view as a lack of investment in education on the part of […]

Trump sabotages Iran nuclear deal

9th May 2018 Jane Green, on behalf of the Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR), assesses the impact of US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. US President, Donald Trump, has ended the engagement of the […]

Trump revives worries of war with Iran

Posted by Saeed Kamali Dehghan at The Guardian, 20:37: Ordinary Iranians were on tenterhooks, monitoring the developments closely, particularly any immediate impact on the country’s national currency, which hit an all-time low last month, prompting panic-buying of hard-to-find dollars amid […]