Category: Human Rights Reports

Iran: Authorities target women’s rights activists with arbitrary arrest, flogging and death penalty

PRESS RELEASE 17 March 2025 Iranian authorities have escalated their crackdown on women’s rights defenders, journalists, singers and other activists demanding equality or who defy compulsory veiling using arbitrary detention, unjust prosecution, flogging, and even the death penalty in a […]

Iran protests: Human Rights Council probe condemns online, app-based repression 

The Iranian Government has continued to ramp up efforts to restrict the rights of civilians including young children as part of a concerted effort to crush dissent, investigators mandated by the UN Human Rights Council said on Friday.

Iran: Journalists hit by a new wave of pressure

From 23 January 2025, Iran’s intelligence agencies summoned journalists and media activists Zhila Bani-Yaghoub, Pejman Mousavi, Omid Faraghat, Maryam Shokrani and Alieh Motaleb Zadeh to appear at the Evin prosecutor’s office. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Iranian […]

Iran: Urgent global action needed to halt imminent execution of Kurdish humanitarian worker

Responding to reports that Iran’s Supreme Court rejected the request for judicial review of the conviction and death sentence of humanitarian aid worker Pakhshan Azizi, 40, from Iran’s oppressed Kurdish ethnic minority, Diana Eltahawy, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the […]

1000 Days After Hostage-Taking French Citizens; 

What is the Islamic Republic Seeking? Two French trade unionists are languishing in Iran’s notorious Evin prison in Tehran!   January 31, 2025 marked the thousandth day of the detention and imprisonment of Cécile Kohler and Jacques Paris, two French teachers’ union activists. This […]

The finalised resolution adopted by the European Parliament at its full plenary on Thursday 23 January 2025

TEXTS ADOPTED P10_TA(2025)0004 Systematic repression of human rights in Iran, notably the cases of Pakhshan Azizi and WrishaMoradi, and the taking of EU citizens as hostages European Parliament resolution of 23 January 2025 on the systematic repression of human rights in Iran, notably the cases […]

Iran: UN experts alarmed as Supreme Court upholds death sentence of Kurdish woman activist

Independent UN human rights experts on Tuesday expressed grave concern over the Iranian Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the death sentence of Pakhshan Azizi, a Kurdish woman activist and social worker.

Rise in executions deeply troubling – UN Human Rights Chief

07 January 2025    GENEVA – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk on Tuesday said he was deeply troubled by the marked increase in executions in Iran last year. At least 901 people were reportedly executed in 2024, including […]

Italian journalist Cecilia Sala detained by police while reporting in Iran

Italy’s foreign ministry says an Italian journalist who was reporting in Tehran has been detained by the Iranian police.
Giada Zampano
Friday 27 December 2024 20:05 GMT

Iran releases Nobel Peace laureate Mohammadi on medical leave: lawyer

Iran has released Nobel Peace laureate Narges Mohammadi, jailed since November 2021, for three weeks on medical grounds, her lawyer posted on social media. “Based on the advice of the examining doctor, the public prosecutor suspended the jail sentence against […]