Workers live in absolute poverty in Iran!

The daily minimum wage in Iran is set at a mere $4, at a time when the poverty line equates to 35,000,000 tomans ($583) per month. Before the early April spike in tensions in the Middle East involving Iran and […]

UMMI, Iran’s metalworkers’ union, appeals to IndustriALL Global Union for solidarity with the Iranian workers’ struggle for their rights, fairness, and justice! 

The Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) challenges the legitimacy of the theocratic regime’s delegation at the ILO 2024 Annual Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to represent Iranian workers’ interests. Their appeal reads as follows… To the Esteemed Leadership […]

CODIR Bulletin June 2024 is published!

CODIR has published a bulletin. The bulletin covers the following:

Defend University Lecturers in Iran

Defending the security of universities is defending the freedom of thought, democracy and a progressive society. CODIR (Committee for the Defence of Iranian People’s Rights) calls on all trade unions to join the solidarity movement with lecturers and students. Since […]

Iranian teachers at the heart of the struggle for change in Iran

In a country where the ruling regime has declared an unending and suffocating war against organised labour, teachers have built and shored up the only trade union body that effectively coordinates on a national level with activities right across Iran. […]


Nurses fight for dignity and fair salaries!

As we approach the period in which the budgets are set and workers’ wages determined for the Iranian calendar year 1403 (2024-2025), the situation for nurses in Iran is grim. While the budget for the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting […]

Iran’s election disaster undermines the entire regime’s legitimacy

Analysing the results of last week’s elections reveals a devastating pattern for the theocratic regime, despite all their machinations, leaving them isolated and rejected — another popular movement cannot be far off, writes STEVE BISHOP RECENT parliamentary elections in Iran […]

Iran: Draconian campaign to enforce compulsory veiling laws through surveillance and mass car confiscations

Iranian authorities are waging a large-scale campaign to enforce repressive compulsory veiling laws through widespread surveillance of women and girls in public spaces and mass police checks targeting women drivers, said Amnesty International ahead of International Women’s Day. Tens of […]

Press release – Campaigners Call for Solidarity with Iranian People

3rd March 2024 Meeting on Saturday, the Central Council of CODIR – the Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights – made clear its response to the Iranian elections which took place last week. “The regime is now […]

Iran: Education International demands the unconditional release of teacher unionists

28 February 2024 Education International renewed its call for the release of imprisoned teachers and unionists in Iran and asked for the International Labour Organization (ILO) to follow up on the issue in a recent meeting with the Director General, […]

A challenge to the future of theocracy in Iran

In protest against the corrupt ruling dictatorship, the left is rejecting the sham parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections taking place in Iran today. NAVID SHOMALI of the Tudeh Party of Iran explains why Iranian communists have called for a […]

Factbox-Key facts about Iran’s elections on Friday

DUBAI (Reuters) – Iranians will vote in a parliamentary election on March 1 seen as a litmus test of the clerical establishment’s popularity amid growing discontent over economic, political and social strains. Iran’s clerical rulers are seeking a big turnout […]

Iran elections: First polls held since 2022 nationwide protests

By Farnoosh Amirshahi The first elections in Iran since the nationwide anti-government protests of 2022 take place on Friday. There will be two separate polls: one for members of parliament and the other for members of the Assembly of Experts, […]

Vast majority of Iranians want a secular government, poll reveals

Story by Melanie Swan Iran begins first election campaign since 2022 mass protests An Iranian government secret opinion poll has revealed that 73 per cent of those participated said they support secularism Almost three-quarters of Iranians want a secular government […]

CODIR Bulletin Winter 2024 is published!

CODIR has published a bulletin. The bulletin covers the following: . Please click here to view.