Category: Labour News

Priorities for trade unions in Iran

In a wide-ranging interview, Maziyar Guilaninejhad, Coordinator of the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics in Iran (UMMI), assesses the current situation for trade unionists.  IT: Could you give us a short description of the present conditions of independent workers organisations and […]

UNISON General Secretary questions wisdom of Jeremy Hunt’s support for Trump’s drive to war with Iran!

UNISON National Delegate Conference 2019, Liverpool UNISON’s general secretary, Dave Prentis, spoke yesterday at UNISON’s International Rally ahead of the union’s National Delegate Conference in Liverpool in response to a question from Jamshid Ahmadi, Assistant General secretary of CODIR. Mr […]

Iran: Labor Activists Detained Since May Day – Police Crackdown on Protest

(Beirut) – Iranian authorities are holding at least eight activists and journalists arrested during a Labor Day protest on May 1, 2019, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should immediately and unconditionally release all those detained for exercising their rights to […]

IndustriALL Global union ask for the release of trade union activists arrested on May Day in Tehran

Dear Mr. President Hassan Rouhani, I am writing this letter to you as the General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union, which represents more than fifty million workers in mining, energy and manufacturing sectors in more than 140 countries, including Iran, to […]

Labor Activist Ali Nejati Denied Medical Treatment Against Doctor’s Orders

Petition Signed by 800 People Calls on Iran to Release Striking Haft Tappeh Workers Detained labor rights activist Ali Nejati is being denied medical treatment for heart disease and kidney and prostate problems in Shush Prison in the city of […]

Iran’s Judiciary Pushed To Act On Labor Activist’s Torture Case

A day after the Iranian Parliament announced it would investigate claims of torture by a labor activist following strikes at the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane industrial complex, judiciary head Sadeq Amoli Larijani said he has called for an independent body […]

Britain’s leading trade union calls for the release of imprisoned trade unionists in Iran!

Unite the union statement condemning the arrests of striking Iranian steelworkers and the Iranian government oppression of trade unions. UNITE stands in full solidarity with the Iranian steelworkers of INSIG Ahvaz and the Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Complex in their recent […]

More than 40 striking steelworkers detained in Iran

19.12.2018 IndustriALL Global Union has written to the government of Iran to condemn to the arrest of more than 40 striking workers at the Ahvaz Steel complex, in brutal raids at their homes on 17 and 18 December. About 31 […]

TUC calls Iranian government to account for wide scale union oppression

19 Dec 2018 The TUC denounces the actions of the Iranian government and their continually campaign of oppression against trade unionists, students and activists across Iran.  The TUC expresses deep solidarity with the workers of INSIG Ahvaz and the Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Complex in […]

Union activists tortured in Iran as strike wave spreads

06.12.2018 A wave of strike action across the province of Khuzestan has led to the arrest and torture of leading activists. Workers at the Iran National Steel plant in Ahvaz have taken strike action on several occasions over the past […]