Category: CODIR says…

Trade union solidarity is vital for the success of our campaign

Support human and democratic rights – including women’s rights and trade union rights – in Iran; Support CODIR! UNISON is one of the most active trade unions in Britain that promotes the campaign for peace, as well as human and […]


1 March is the day to campaign globally against death penalty.   There was a march and rally in Brussels (Belgium) on 1 March in which hundreds of people participated. Courts in Islamic Republic of Iran continued to imposed death sentences […]

Britain Trade Unions call for an immediate end to repression in Iran

In response to a call by Amnesty International for the immediate release of Esmail Bakhshi and Sepideh Gholian from prison, representatives of the British trade union movement – including the TUC, UNISON, the International  Transport Federation, NASUWT and UCU – joined […]

White House hawks have no answers for the Iranian people

29th January 2019 With US intervention back on the international agenda in Venezuela, White House hawks, Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and National Security Adviser, John Bolton, have not taken their eye off US long term ambitions in the Middle […]

For peace, progress, and prosperity in 2019!

Wishing you success in the struggle for peace, human, and democratic rights, and social justice across the globe in the coming year! Tweet

Solidarity organisation calls for support for workers protests

19th December 2018 Press release For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has called upon trade unions in the UK and globally to support the nearly six-week-long strike of steelworkers in Iran, protesting against […]

Protesters press for change in Iran

The wave of protests which has gripped Iran since demonstrations engulfed 85 cities last January are showing no sign of letting up.  The protests range from the low paid, underemployed and disenfranchised, through industrial workers in the steel and sugar […]

Struggling To Make Ends Meet, Iranian Teachers Go On Strike

Teachers are protesting what they say are their low wages. News reports and social-media posts suggest that dozens of teachers across Iran have reportedly refused to appear in classrooms. Instead, they appear to be staging sit-ins to protest low wages. […]

Campaign for the release of imprisoned teacher trade unionists in Iran

World Teachers’ Day 2018 will mark the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) that recognizes education as a key fundamental right and establishes an entitlement to free compulsory education, ensuring inclusive and equitable access for all […]

Theocracy wages war on those dare to show dissent!

The start of 2018 saw a massive upsurge of angry protests by workers across Iran against unemployment, poverty wages, unpaid wages, and corruption. The events which have escalated from small-scale protests against food shortages and price rises, rapidly became more […]