Category: CODIR says…

Solidarity organisation warns of coronavirus impact in Iran – Press release – For immediate use

2nd April 2020 The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has appealed to trade unions in the UK and internationally to support their fellow workers in Iran who are at the epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic. […]

Experts fear coronavirus cover up in Iran

As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread, there is growing evidence of an extremely serious and growing impact in Iran.  It is feared that sanctions imposed by the US may have weakened the capacity of the country’s medical sector to […]

Middle East – political uncertainty continues

12th January 2020 The assassination of the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps, Qasem Soleimani, has sparked a further round of uncertainty in the Middle East and brought the danger of increased conflict closer.  Jane Green assesses the current […]

CODIR greeting 2020


Sit-in protest of education workers in Iran

Barely five weeks after the latest popular uprising in Iran was brutally suppressed by the security forces, the education workers in Iran staged an active sit-in on Monday 23rd December 2019 to once again voice their hitherto unmet demands.  These […]

Shoot to kill outrage in Iran

17th December 2019 As the reports about a wide spread clamp-down in Iran continue to leak out of the country, following widespread protests at increases in the price of petrol, Jane Green reports on developments and the growing outrage at […]

CODIR PRESS RELEASE – Wednesday 20 November 2019 – Urgent Appeal for Solidarity

The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has appealed to progressive and freedom-seeking people and their organisations globally to put pressure on the Iranian regime to halt the violence perpetrated during recent days against peaceful demonstrators […]

Protests erupt in Iran as petrol prices double

As widespread protests engulf Iran following a sudden increase in the price of petrol, and against the backdrop of the country’s unravelling economy, Jane Green assesses the situation for the people of Iran. The recent order by Iranian Supreme Leader, […]

People’s protests continue to challenge power

As mass protests continue to be a feature of life in Iran the threat of military intervention is in danger of neutralising their impact and playing into the hands of the regime.  Jane Green considers the issues. Massive popular protests […]

Iran – Tensions are being ratcheted up in the Middle East

The recent attacks upon the Aramco oil facilities in Saudi Arabia have seen a ramping up of tension between the West and Iran. JANE GREEN highlights the dangers of further escalation WHEN the US withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal […]