Category: CODIR says…

The US sanctions against Iran step up the threat of war

12th August 2018 The next step in the undeclared war on Iran has been taken by the United States, with the first wave of sanctions imposed last week, following the unilateral withdrawal of the US from the Joint Comprehensive Plan […]

War of words threatens peace

Jane Green considers how the war of words between Iran and the US administration endangers peace in the Middle East. The war of words between US President Donald Trump and his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, earlier this week is a […]

CODIR at UNISON 2018 National Conference, 17-22 June, Brighton

For the fourth year in a row, a CODIR delegation consisting of Jamshid Ahmadi, Assistant General Secretary; Liz Payne, Campaign Officer; and David Maguey, attended the UNISON National Delegate Conference and held a successful information stand at the Conference Centre.  […]

Trump sabotages Iran nuclear deal

9th May 2018 Jane Green, on behalf of the Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR), assesses the impact of US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. US President, Donald Trump, has ended the engagement of the […]

Solidarity with hunger strikers demanded

8th April 2018 Press release For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has called for the immediate release of hunger striking human rights activists unjustly held in Iranian prisons. Following their arrest without […]

Jailed Iranian teacher wins major solidarity award

1st April 2018 Press release For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR), has today welcomed the conferring of an International Solidarity Award upon a jailed Iranian trade unionist by one of the UK’s […]

Bolton’s appointment is bad news for the Iranian people

JANE GREEN assesses the implications of the return of the rightwinger for Iran, its protesting workers, the nuclear deal and the Middle East DURING the administration of George W Bush, the under secretary of state for arms control, one John […]

Away from the media spotlight, Iranian protests for workers’ justice continue

Widespread discontent continues to be a feature of everyday life in Iran. JANE GREEN reports on recent developments THE silence of the international media on the developing situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran is a growing issue as the clampdown on opposition within the country continues.  In recent […]

Extra-judicial execution in Iran

JANE GREEN assesses the latest unexplained death in custody in the Islamic Republic of Iran THE plausibility of the claims of President Hassan Rouhani to be leading a “reformist” government in Iran took another blow last week, with the death […]

Deaths in custody – call for urgent action regarding the fate of thousands detained by the Islamic Republic in the aftermath to the recent unrest (Tuesday 9 January 2018) *updates highlighted below

According to information released by the ‘Committee for the Follow-up of the Whereabouts of  those Arrested during the Nationwide Protest Demonstrations of 28 December – 8 January  2018’ –  a monitoring body that has been set up by Tehran University […]