Category: CODIR says…

In Defence of Justice! Hands Off the Iranian Bar Association!

–       Iran Jails and Threatens Human Rights Attorneys –       At Least 44 Defence Attorneys Arrested Since September 2022 The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) notes with deep concern the latest move by the Islamic Republic dictatorship in […]

ILO… No place for the violators of workers’ rights!

CODIR supports the protest against the presence of Islamist regime-affiliated delegation at the ILO Annual Conference 2023! To all Labour/Trade Unions Support the protest rally in front of the [Annual Conference of the] International Labour Organisation [ILO] in solidarity with […]

Invitation to AGM 2023   

Join us to celebrate, plan, and consolidate CODIR  11:30am Saturday, 24 June London, NW1 2AY We invite all CODIR’s members and affiliates to attend our 2023 AGM! The venue of AGM is less than 100 meters from the Euston Station in central London. […]

Join the conversation, register for webinar  (see details below)

Iran: the people vs. dictatorship, for peace and popular sovereignty Hear world-renown speakers discussing the main issues concerning the people’s struggle for human and democratic rights in Iran and the obstacles on their path. You will also have a valuable […]

Iran: the people vs dictatorship, for peace & popular sovereignty

Please join for listening the Webinar to inform and show solidarity with Iranian people and their struggle for progressive change, and to secure human and democracy rights in Iran. Organized by and sponsored by CODIR. To register please click: […]

Call for urgent action to free women journalists

10th April 2023 Press release – For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) have issued an urgent call for the immediate and unconditional release of journalists, Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi.  The two […]

CODIR Calls for Urgent Solidarity with Iran’s Teachers Union!

Mohammad Habibi, the official spokesperson of the Iranian Teachers Trade Association (ITTA) in Tehran, has been arrested by agents of the [Islamic Republic] security forces at his workplace today (Wednesday 5 April 2023) and taken to Ward 209 of Evin […]

The “Woman, Life, Freedom” Protests… The Situation Going Forward

The occurrence of the vernal equinox (on Monday 20 March or Tuesday 21 March 2023, depending on time zone) marked the beginning of Nowruz, the Iranian New Year, an ancient festival observed in one form or another by an estimated […]

Hundreds of Schoolgirls have been Targeted in Poison Gas Attacks in Iran

There is growing public concern and widespread anger in Iran following reports that hundreds of schoolgirls have been poisoned in a series of mysterious gas attacks on schools across the country, raising fears that militant religious groups have begun waging […]

CODIR calls for urgent solidarity with political prisoners, women activists, human rights defenders, and trade unionists in Iran

Trade union activist, Reyhane Ansarinejad, summoned to the Evin Security Prosecutor’s Office Ms. Reyhane Ansarinejad, an independent labour activist, has been summoned to the 2nd Investigation Branch of the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office of the 33rd District of Tehran […]