Category: CODIR says…

The Iranian regime has begun executing new dissidents

Following their threats to use the death penalty to repress the current protest movement sweeping the nation, the Islamic Republic has publicly executed two young men, reports STEVE BISHOP SINCE the murder of Mahsa Amini by the Iranian “morality police” […]

Urgent action demanded over imprisoned protesters

3 November 2022 Press release For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has expressed concern over the huge numbers of arrests made and charges tabled relating to the ongoing protests that followed the […]

UNITE ‘s Equality Conference debates important emergency motion on support for popular protests in Iran

CODIR congratulates Unite the Union on the successful holding of its National Equalities Conferences, which took place from Monday 24 October to Wednesday 26 October in Bournemouth. We were especially delighted to note the adoption of the following emergency motion […]

Bloodshed and Cover-up at Evin Prison!

“Tehran has become a detention centre, Evin has become a slaughterhouse!” CODIR is alarmed by the numerous reports and video clips that have emerged this evening (from 19:30 Tehran time on Saturday 15 October 2022) of a major incident unfolding […]

Oil workers join the campaign for an end to theocratic rule in Iran!

Protesters in Iran welcome this major development! Reports received today (Monday 10 October) from Iran indicate that workers in the country’s oil industry, a powerful sphere of influence, have joined the nationwide protest movement calling for an end to the […]

CODIR calls for international solidarity: Brutal attacks on universities signal a looming bloody crackdown by the theocratic regime!

CODIR is alarmed by the numerous reports of Islamic Republic security forces converging upon several university campuses, notably Sharif University in Tehran, which point towards a major onslaught by the regime on protesters being at least imminent if not already […]

Protests in Iran – regime change must come from the people

A woman shows a placard with a photo of of Iranian Mahsa Amini as she attends a protest against her death, in Berlin, Germany, Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022.

As protests grow across Iran following the murder of Mahsa Amini, solidarity with the Iranian people is now more important than ever. JANE GREEN assesses the implications of current developments THE grip of the theocratic dictatorship which has been in […]

Iran in turmoil over the killing of young woman in “morality police” custody

Protests over the death of Mahsa Amini outside Tehran University on Monday

“The murder of Mahsa Amini is the trigger that has set off an unprecedented massive nationwide protest across Iran”, Jamshid Ahmadi, Assistant General Secretary of CODIR told the Morning Star. “The scale of this protest mobilisation is similar to that […]

Urgent action demanded over the death of Mahsa Amini

19th September 2022 Press release For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has condemned the death in detention of 22 year old, Mahsa Amini, a young woman visiting Tehran with her family. Ms […]

JCPoA: No to escalation with Iran and nuclear proliferation in the Middle East!

by Liberation|Published August 19, 2022 by Steve Bishop The situation in the Middle East is never far from the news headlines. In recent months that has meant a renewed focus on the Iran nuclear deal, including a debate in the House of […]