Category: CODIR says…

The struggle for change in Iran has reached the point of no return!

Woman, Life, Freedom… By Payam Solhtalab of CODIR After five months of unceasing protest and activism by tens of thousands of young women and men in Iran, demanding that their fundamental human and democratic rights be respected, the political landscape […]

Iran – danger of outside intervention escalates

7th February 2023 The developing situation in Iran and the international response to it underlines the danger of widespread war in the Middle East as the struggle for political control in the region unfolds.  Steve Bishop reports. Western backed regimes […]

Solidarity YES! Foreign intervention NO!

Stand in solidarity with the people of Iran in their struggle for human and democratic rights, democracy, and social justice! Since the murder of Ms. Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who had been visiting Tehran with her family, in the […]

“Woman, Life, Freedom”…  The beginning of the end of the bloody theocratic dictatorship!

 Article on Iran by *Jamshid Ahmadi The death in September 2022 of Mahsa Amini in the custody of the so-called “Morality Police”, having been detained for “inappropriate Islamic hijab”, was the trigger-point for the people of Iran – particularly its […]

Urgent action demanded over recent executions

8th January 2023 Press release For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) condemns the latest executions carried out by the ruling dictatorship on 7 January in Iran.  The two men executed, by hanging […]

CODIR’s statement – Condemn torture and murder of physician Aida Rostami!

Ghastly murder of woman physician once more reveals the true nature of the ruling regime in Iran for those left under any doubt! CODIR shares in the widespread condemnation in Iran that has met the news of the abduction and […]

Happy New Year 2023

We wish you and your family good health, happiness and success in all aspects of your lives. Central Executive Council CODIR Tweet

The Iranian regime has begun executing new dissidents

Following their threats to use the death penalty to repress the current protest movement sweeping the nation, the Islamic Republic has publicly executed two young men, reports STEVE BISHOP SINCE the murder of Mahsa Amini by the Iranian “morality police” […]

Urgent action demanded over imprisoned protesters

3 November 2022 Press release For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has expressed concern over the huge numbers of arrests made and charges tabled relating to the ongoing protests that followed the […]

UNITE ‘s Equality Conference debates important emergency motion on support for popular protests in Iran

CODIR congratulates Unite the Union on the successful holding of its National Equalities Conferences, which took place from Monday 24 October to Wednesday 26 October in Bournemouth. We were especially delighted to note the adoption of the following emergency motion […]