IndustriALL Global Union calls on Government of Iran to intervene at Khatoon Abad Copper Mines



Mr. Hassan Rouhani


Islamic Republic of Iran



Dear Mr. President Hassan Rouhani,


I am writing to you on behalf of  IndustriALL Global Union, which represents more than 50 million workers in mining, energy and manufacturing industries in some 140 countries, to call on the Government of Iran to intervene immediately at the Khatoon Abad Copper Mines to help secure the release of 28 workers, who were arrested during a peaceful demonstration calling for the reinstatement of 170 contract workers.


IndustriALL Global Unions urges your administration to help secure the prompt and unconditional release of the 28 workers. Furthermore, we call on you to instruct the National Iranian Industries Company, which owns the Khatoon Abad Copper Mines, to reinstate the 170 contract workers, who were recently dismissed.


It is also imperative  that the National Iranian Industries Company grant the contract workers their promised permanent positions. Workers should not be subject to precarious working conditions.  Therefore, we call on the Government of Iran to enforce fundamental labour rights at the National Iranian Industries Company.


In this regard, IndustriALL Global Unions urges the Government of Iran to ratify ILO Convention 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize, and ILO Convention 98 on the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining.


I am looking forward to your prompt reply. Sincerely,








Jyrki Raina General Secretary IndustriALL Global Union

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