Dear Foreign Secretary,
The Human Rights Crisis in Iran
We are writing to urge the UK government to step up its opposition to the human rights
crackdown in Iran and to do all it can to pressure the Iranian authorities to halt further
executions of human rights defenders.
The public executions of Mohsen Shekari and Majidreza Rahnavard, both of whom were
just 23-years of age, following trials in which the defendants were denied due process
are a stain on humanity. Dozens more protesters, many of whom are young people in
their twenties, have also received death sentences in recent weeks, merely for
exercising their rights to peaceful protest following the death in police custody of Mahsa
Amini. There is a clear and pressing danger that further executions could follow in the
coming weeks unless the international community takes immediate and decisive action.
In the week following international Human Rights Day, the UK has a duty to play a
leading role in international efforts to halt any further executions and make clear to the
Iranian authorities that the UK will not remain silent in the face of its gross human rights
We look forward to hearing from you about the further action the UK intends to take.
Yours sincerely