CODIR at UNISON National Delegate Conference 2024

CODIR was invited by UNISON to exhibit at National Delegate Conference (NDC) in Brighton this year. We attended and set up a stall along with Liberation, a British organisation which works closely with us on the issues of human and democratic rights in Iran. Exhibiting at major union conferences has become an important part of our annual activities, allowing us to reach thousands of British trade unionists and discuss with them the very serious situation faced by Iranian working people, women and youth. 

This year’s NDC brought together almost 3000 UNISON members, and over 6 days CODIR activists were able to present information and discuss ways that union members and organisations can stand in solidarity with their counterparts in Iran to effect democratic change. The CODIR stall provided 5 different documents reporting on the situation of teachers, nurses and other workers, the cases of workers sacked or imprisoned for trade union activities – such as  the three leading teachers’ trade unionists Esmail Abdi, Rasoul Bodaghi, and Shiva Amelirad – and women’s rights campaigners who are languishing in prison like Narges Mohammadi. One of our publications documented the fact that Ms Mohammadi has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her tireless work for women’s rights despite the very difficult conditions under which she is living.

During the conference we connected with a number of UNISON branches who have affiliated or renewed their affiliation to CODIR for their meetings. UNISON West Midlands asked CODIR to send a speaker for their Regional Council meetings which will help us to reach branches and workers in the region.

CODIR very much appreciates the support of UNISON in providing us with the free stall space, which is very important in allowing us to do this work. We were also lucky to have the support of a number of volunteers throughout the week from the Sussex Morning Star Readers and Supporters Group, Liberation, and Stop the War. Thanks to CODIR’s Assistant General Secretary Jamshid Ahmadi, Executive Committee member Liz Payne, and council member Micaela Tracey-Ramos who supported our work at the conference.


Central Executive Council


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