Iran: ‘Atrocity crimes’ must be investigated and perpetrators prosecuted, says Special Rapporteur

22 July 2024 GENEVA – A UN Special Rapporteur said an international mechanism is essential to investigate and prosecute those responsible for “atrocity crimes” in Iran, including the extra-judicial killing of thousands of arbitrarily arrested prisoners during a crackdown by authorities […]

How Iran’s Khamenei elevated a little-known moderate to the presidency

By Parisa Hafezi July 18, 20245:03 AM PDTUpdated 2 days ago DUBAI, July 18 (Reuters) – When intelligence officials briefed Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in May ahead of a snap presidential election, their report was grim: angered by economic hardship and […]

Film of the week – Bedroom Farsi

The Star’s critic MARIA DUARTE recommends a quietly powerful drama that examines an Iranian mother and daughter who escape domestic abuse THIS quietly powerful drama set in Australia in 1995 explores a clash of cultures as it shows the resilience, […]

Press release – Solidarity organisation backs oil workers in Iran

19th July 2024 For immediate use Reports from Iran confirm that currently more than 25,000 project workers, at the oil and gas fields and terminals in southern Iran, are continuing their industrial action which began on 21 June. Leading UK […]

To the strikers in Iran’s oil and gas fields Through the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran of Iran (UMMI)

Dear Colleagues and Comrades, On behalf of the CGT Mining and Energy Federation, we hereby express our full and unwavering support for your legitimate struggle for decent and fair working conditions. Your determination and courage in the face of adversity […]


Inside Iran’s Biggest Strike Wave since 1979

Growing labour unrest is keeping the revolution alive and threatening the ruling establishment AUTHOR: Hamid Mohseni If we are to understand and evaluate the situation faced by the striking workers in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is essential […]

Iran: Prisons turned into killing fields as drug-related executions almost triple this year

Iranian authorities have executed at least 173 people convicted of drug-related offences this year after systematically unfair trials, nearly three times more than this time last year, Amnesty International said today. Executions for drug-related offences make up two thirds of […]

Stop the execution spree in Iran

The Iranian authorities are carrying out a horrific state-sanctioned killing spree under the guise of judicial executions. Those executed include people convicted of drug-related offences, protesters, political dissidents, and members of oppressed ethnic minorities. Call for states to urgently intervene […]

ILO… No place for the violators of workers’ rights!

CODIR supports the protest against the presence of Islamist regime-affiliated delegation at the ILO Annual Conference 2023! To all Labour/Trade Unions Support the protest rally in front of the [Annual Conference of the] International Labour Organisation [ILO] in solidarity with […]

IRAN/BELGIUM: Iran must be held accountable for hostage-taking after OVERDUE RELEASE OF Olivier Vandecasteele in prisoner swap

Amnesty International welcomes the release of Belgian aid worker Olivier Vandecasteele and is relieved he will soon be with his family in Belgium. He had been unjustly imprisoned in Iran since February 2022 and subjected to enforced disappearance, torture and […]

CODIR Bulletin Summer 2023 is published!

CODIR has published a bulletin. The bulletin covers CODIR solidarity with the university lecturers & students and also striking Iranian workers. Please click here to view.

Women in the crucial struggle for human rights in Iran

Iran: the people vs. dictatorship, for peace and popular sovereignty Speech by Azar Sepehr, 16 May 2023                                                     Working class organisations and trade unions have just celebrated international workers’ day, at a time when the chasm between the rights and privileges […]

Iran: Executions of tortured protesters must trigger a robust reaction from the international community

AMNESTY INTERNATIONALQUOTE 19 May 2023 Responding to the execution of three tortured protesters – Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mirhashemi and Saeed Yaghoubi – following a grossly unfair trial that bore no resemblance to meaningful judicial proceedings, Diana Eltahawy, Amnesty International’s Deputy […]

Invitation to AGM 2023   

Join us to celebrate, plan, and consolidate CODIR  11:30am Saturday, 24 June London, NW1 2AY We invite all CODIR’s members and affiliates to attend our 2023 AGM! The venue of AGM is less than 100 meters from the Euston Station in central London.

Join the conversation, register for webinar  (see details below)

Iran: the people vs. dictatorship, for peace and popular sovereignty Hear world-renown speakers discussing the main issues concerning the people’s struggle for human and democratic rights in Iran and the obstacles on their path. You will also have a valuable […]