Iran: ‘Atrocity crimes’ must be investigated and perpetrators prosecuted, says Special Rapporteur

22 July 2024 GENEVA – A UN Special Rapporteur said an international mechanism is essential to investigate and prosecute those responsible for “atrocity crimes” in Iran, including the extra-judicial killing of thousands of arbitrarily arrested prisoners during a crackdown by authorities […]

How Iran’s Khamenei elevated a little-known moderate to the presidency

By Parisa Hafezi July 18, 20245:03 AM PDTUpdated 2 days ago DUBAI, July 18 (Reuters) – When intelligence officials briefed Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in May ahead of a snap presidential election, their report was grim: angered by economic hardship and […]

Film of the week – Bedroom Farsi

The Star’s critic MARIA DUARTE recommends a quietly powerful drama that examines an Iranian mother and daughter who escape domestic abuse THIS quietly powerful drama set in Australia in 1995 explores a clash of cultures as it shows the resilience, […]

Press release – Solidarity organisation backs oil workers in Iran

19th July 2024 For immediate use Reports from Iran confirm that currently more than 25,000 project workers, at the oil and gas fields and terminals in southern Iran, are continuing their industrial action which began on 21 June. Leading UK […]

To the strikers in Iran’s oil and gas fields Through the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran of Iran (UMMI)

Dear Colleagues and Comrades, On behalf of the CGT Mining and Energy Federation, we hereby express our full and unwavering support for your legitimate struggle for decent and fair working conditions. Your determination and courage in the face of adversity […]


CODIR calls for urgent solidarity with political prisoners, women activists, human rights defenders, and trade unionists in Iran

Trade union activist, Reyhane Ansarinejad, summoned to the Evin Security Prosecutor’s Office Ms. Reyhane Ansarinejad, an independent labour activist, has been summoned to the 2nd Investigation Branch of the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office of the 33rd District of Tehran […]

The struggle for change in Iran has reached the point of no return!

Woman, Life, Freedom… By Payam Solhtalab of CODIR After five months of unceasing protest and activism by tens of thousands of young women and men in Iran, demanding that their fundamental human and democratic rights be respected, the political landscape […]

The Iranian Monarchists Do Not Represent The ‘Multinational Iran’

January 30, 2023 | By Himdad Mustafa* Most of the opposition figures and groups want a new democratic republic to replace the authoritarian Islamic Republic. However, it recently made the news that a Persian-led group nostalgic for Iranian monarchy is endorsing exiled […]

Iran – danger of outside intervention escalates

7th February 2023 The developing situation in Iran and the international response to it underlines the danger of widespread war in the Middle East as the struggle for political control in the region unfolds.  Steve Bishop reports. Western backed regimes […]

Iran: Shameful anniversary celebrations amid decades of mass killings and cover-ups

The Iranian authorities’ refusal to acknowledge let alone ensure accountability for the 1988 prison massacres – the worst incident of secret mass killings committed since the establishment of Islamic Republic of Iran – has perpetuated cycles of crimes under international […]

Solidarity YES! Foreign intervention NO!

Stand in solidarity with the people of Iran in their struggle for human and democratic rights, democracy, and social justice! Since the murder of Ms. Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who had been visiting Tehran with her family, in the […]

Iran: Quash death sentences of young protesters subjected to gruesome torture

The Iranian authorities must immediately quash the unjust convictions and death sentences of three young protesters who were subjected to gruesome torture including floggings, electric shocks, being hung upside down and death threats at gunpoint, Amnesty International said today. The […]

Iranian couple filmed dancing in Tehran are jailed for 10 years

Couple convicted of ‘encouraging corruption and public prostitution’ after video of dance at landmark tower went viral An Iranian court has handed jail sentences of more than 10 years each to a young couple who danced in front of one […]

“Woman, Life, Freedom”…  The beginning of the end of the bloody theocratic dictatorship!

 Article on Iran by *Jamshid Ahmadi The death in September 2022 of Mahsa Amini in the custody of the so-called “Morality Police”, having been detained for “inappropriate Islamic hijab”, was the trigger-point for the people of Iran – particularly its […]

Iranian Labor Unions Have Led Inspiring Solidarity Strikes Amid the Uprising

A view of a marketplace after shopkeepers went on a three-day shutter-down strike as part of Mahsa Amini protests in Tehran, Iran, on December 6, 2022. FATEMEH BAHRAMI / ANADOLU AGENCY VIA GETTY IMAGES

Labor organizing is severely restricted in Iran but independent unions have actively backed demands for women’s rights. By Frieda Afary , TRUTHOUT January 19, 2023 anuary 16 marked the fourth month of a new uprising in Iran, which began with protests against the […]