Iran: ‘Atrocity crimes’ must be investigated and perpetrators prosecuted, says Special Rapporteur

22 July 2024 GENEVA – A UN Special Rapporteur said an international mechanism is essential to investigate and prosecute those responsible for “atrocity crimes” in Iran, including the extra-judicial killing of thousands of arbitrarily arrested prisoners during a crackdown by authorities […]

How Iran’s Khamenei elevated a little-known moderate to the presidency

By Parisa Hafezi July 18, 20245:03 AM PDTUpdated 2 days ago DUBAI, July 18 (Reuters) – When intelligence officials briefed Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in May ahead of a snap presidential election, their report was grim: angered by economic hardship and […]

Film of the week – Bedroom Farsi

The Star’s critic MARIA DUARTE recommends a quietly powerful drama that examines an Iranian mother and daughter who escape domestic abuse THIS quietly powerful drama set in Australia in 1995 explores a clash of cultures as it shows the resilience, […]

Press release – Solidarity organisation backs oil workers in Iran

19th July 2024 For immediate use Reports from Iran confirm that currently more than 25,000 project workers, at the oil and gas fields and terminals in southern Iran, are continuing their industrial action which began on 21 June. Leading UK […]

To the strikers in Iran’s oil and gas fields Through the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran of Iran (UMMI)

Dear Colleagues and Comrades, On behalf of the CGT Mining and Energy Federation, we hereby express our full and unwavering support for your legitimate struggle for decent and fair working conditions. Your determination and courage in the face of adversity […]


The Mandate of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran Extended for Another Year

On 24 November 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted the resolution S35/1, on the deteriorating situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and decided to establish an independent international fact-finding mission on the Islamic Republic […]

Threat of war, the theocratic regime and anti-imperialism

The region and the world stand today on the brink of an abyss and facing a real threat of a wide regional war, and perhaps an even wider war. NAVID SHOMALI, international secretary of the Tudeh Party of Iran, explains […]

Regime Sacks Iranian Teachers’ Trade Union Representative!

The Coordinating Council of Iranian Teachers’ Trade Associations (CCITTA) has condemned the unlawful sacking of Ms. Shiva Amelirad, a prominent teacher and trade union activist.  The CCITTA subsequently moved to appoint Ms. Amelirad as its senior representative for liaison with […]

Eleven Women’s Rights Activists Sentenced to Over 60 Years in Prison in Rasht

On Wednesday morning, 27 March 2024, eleven women’s rights activists were sentenced to a total of over 60 years in prison by the Revolutionary Court of Rasht, the capital of Gilan province in North Iran. The activists are: Ms. Farough […]

Young women top the list of those affected by unemployment in Iran!

Data from the Statistical Centre of Iran shows that the unemployment rate for young people aged 16 to 24 is higher than the unemployment rate for the country as a whole.  One of the reasons for this is the limited […]

Woman, Life, Freedom

by Marjane Satrapi, Joann Sfar, et al., translated by Una Dimitrijevic An urgent, groundbreaking and visually stunning new collection of graphic story-telling about the present Iranian revolution from Marjane Satrapi, author of Persepolis. A collaboration of activists, artists, journalists, and academics working together to depict […]

UN Rights Council: Renew Iran Mandates

Maintain Special Rapporteur and Fact-Finding Mission (Geneva) – The United Nations Human Rights Council should renew the mission of the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Iran and the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission, 43 Iranian and International organizations including Human Rights Watch […]

Nurses fight for dignity and fair salaries!

As we approach the period in which the budgets are set and workers’ wages determined for the Iranian calendar year 1403 (2024-2025), the situation for nurses in Iran is grim. While the budget for the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting […]

Iran’s election disaster undermines the entire regime’s legitimacy

Analysing the results of last week’s elections reveals a devastating pattern for the theocratic regime, despite all their machinations, leaving them isolated and rejected — another popular movement cannot be far off, writes STEVE BISHOP RECENT parliamentary elections in Iran […]

Iran: Draconian campaign to enforce compulsory veiling laws through surveillance and mass car confiscations

Iranian authorities are waging a large-scale campaign to enforce repressive compulsory veiling laws through widespread surveillance of women and girls in public spaces and mass police checks targeting women drivers, said Amnesty International ahead of International Women’s Day. Tens of […]