Workers live in absolute poverty in Iran!

The daily minimum wage in Iran is set at a mere $4, at a time when the poverty line equates to 35,000,000 tomans ($583) per month. Before the early April spike in tensions in the Middle East involving Iran and […]

UMMI, Iran’s metalworkers’ union, appeals to IndustriALL Global Union for solidarity with the Iranian workers’ struggle for their rights, fairness, and justice! 

The Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) challenges the legitimacy of the theocratic regime’s delegation at the ILO 2024 Annual Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to represent Iranian workers’ interests. Their appeal reads as follows… To the Esteemed Leadership […]

CODIR Bulletin June 2024 is published!

CODIR has published a bulletin. The bulletin covers the following:

Defend University Lecturers in Iran

Defending the security of universities is defending the freedom of thought, democracy and a progressive society. CODIR (Committee for the Defence of Iranian People’s Rights) calls on all trade unions to join the solidarity movement with lecturers and students. Since […]

Iranian teachers at the heart of the struggle for change in Iran

In a country where the ruling regime has declared an unending and suffocating war against organised labour, teachers have built and shored up the only trade union body that effectively coordinates on a national level with activities right across Iran. […]


Iran: Executions of tortured protesters must trigger a robust reaction from the international community

AMNESTY INTERNATIONALQUOTE 19 May 2023 Responding to the execution of three tortured protesters – Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mirhashemi and Saeed Yaghoubi – following a grossly unfair trial that bore no resemblance to meaningful judicial proceedings, Diana Eltahawy, Amnesty International’s Deputy […]

Invitation to AGM 2023   

Join us to celebrate, plan, and consolidate CODIR  11:30am Saturday, 24 June London, NW1 2AY We invite all CODIR’s members and affiliates to attend our 2023 AGM! The venue of AGM is less than 100 meters from the Euston Station in central London.

Join the conversation, register for webinar  (see details below)

Iran: the people vs. dictatorship, for peace and popular sovereignty Hear world-renown speakers discussing the main issues concerning the people’s struggle for human and democratic rights in Iran and the obstacles on their path. You will also have a valuable […]

Iran: the people vs dictatorship, for peace & popular sovereignty

Please join for listening the Webinar to inform and show solidarity with Iranian people and their struggle for progressive change, and to secure human and democracy rights in Iran. Organized by and sponsored by CODIR. To register please click: […]

Iran: Over 200 executed since January; Türk calls for end to death penalty

The “frightening” number of executions carried out this year in Iran prompted the UN human rights chief Volker Türk on Tuesday, to call on the country’s authorities to abolish the death penalty or halt all executions. More than 10 people […]


Maziar Gilaninejad President Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics in Iran Sent Via Email to: and CODIR: On behalf of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT Union) our Union pledges “total solidarity” with striking Iranian […]

Insolidaritywith oil and gas workers in Iran

Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) Islamic Republic of Iran Dear sisters and brothers, I am writing this letter to you as the General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union, which represents more than fifty million workers in […]

Workers’ representatives were summarily dismissed! 

The state-run Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) has reported that four worker representatives, covering some 200 Tehran Metro ticket sales employees, who were invited to a meeting by their employer’s contractor to discuss the workers’ wage arrears, have been summarily […]

Call for urgent action to free women journalists

10th April 2023 Press release – For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) have issued an urgent call for the immediate and unconditional release of journalists, Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi.  The two […]

CODIR Calls for Urgent Solidarity with Iran’s Teachers Union!

Mohammad Habibi, the official spokesperson of the Iranian Teachers Trade Association (ITTA) in Tehran, has been arrested by agents of the [Islamic Republic] security forces at his workplace today (Wednesday 5 April 2023) and taken to Ward 209 of Evin […]