Iranian election sham will not fool the people

With Iran going to the polls following the death of president Raisi, STEVE BISHOP assesses the candidates and warns of a wide and growing gap between the populace and the regime THE presidential election in Iran, following the death in […]

Iran picks new president at turbulent time

ranians vote on Friday to elect a new president from six candidates, including a lone reformist who hopes he can challenge the dominance of conservatives in the Islamic republic. A presidential election had not been due until 2025, but was […]

Project workers in Iran’s oil and gas fields begin an indefinite strike!

Syndicate Messenger, a trade union newsletter, published by the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI), reported on Thursday 20 June 2024 that outsourced project workers in the country’s refineries, oil and gas installations, and power plants have walked […]

CODIR at UNISON National Delegate Conference 2024

CODIR was invited by UNISON to exhibit at National Delegate Conference (NDC) in Brighton this year. We attended and set up a stall along with Liberation, a British organisation which works closely with us on the issues of human and […]

Iran/Sweden: Staggering blow to justice for 1988 prison massacres in Iran amid long overdue release of Swedish nationals

The shocking release of former Iranian prison official Hamid Nouri, sentenced to life imprisonment by a Swedish court in relation to his role in the 1988 prison massacres, following a prisoner exchange deal between Iran and Sweden on 15 June […]


Theocratic Regime is Fearful, Desperate, and Despotic!

Seventy years after the coup in Iran overthrew the democratically elected government, former British Foreign Secretary, David Owen, has described the event as being orchestrated by British Intelligence to safeguard British imperialist interests in Iran’s oil resources. With the active […]

Notice of AGM

Notice of AGM 2023 Join us to celebrate, plan, and consolidate CODIR’s work. 14:30 – 16.30 Saturday, 11 November Venue in central London and online (details to follow) All CODIR’s members and affiliates are invited. Email us on for information and registration forms. This […]

Iran: Rights experts ‘dismayed’ over continued imprisonment of Nobel Laureate Mohammadi

UN independent human rights experts on Wednesday called for the immediate release of Narges Mohammadi, an imprisoned Iranian human rights activist who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her unwavering commitment to women’s rights in the country. Ms. Mohammadi […]

Worldwide support for Nobel Peace Prize Award

7th October 2023 Press release For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has welcomed the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to imprisoned women’s and human rights activist, Narges Mohammadi, and noted that […]

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Narges Mohammadi must be released immediately and unconditionally 

Reacting to the news that unjustly imprisoned Iranian human rights defender Narges Mohammadi has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Amnesty International’s Secretary General, Agnès Callamard, said:   “Narges Mohammadi receives this prize today from behind bars in Iran where she has […]

Iran: Independent investigation into schoolgirl’s critical injuries needed amid mounting evidence of a cover up

The international community must demand that the Iranian authorities allow the UN Fact-Finding Mission and other independent monitors to enter the country to investigate the circumstances leading to the hospitalization of 16-year-old Armita Garawand, who fell unconscious on a Tehran metro train […]

CODIR calls upon the regime in Iran to end its torture, inhumane treatment, and intimidation of political prisoners, trade unionists, and human rights activists!

The struggle of the Iranian people for basic freedoms, civil rights, and social justice, will not be stifled by the arrest of social activists and intensification of repression in the country! Last month, scores of political prisoners in the notorious […]

Protest movements continue to shake Iran

21 September 2023 The anniversary of the murder in custody of 22 year old Mahsa Amini, by the Iranian regime saw the theocratic dictatorship tighten security in an attempt to suppress protests to mark the anniversary.  Steve Bishop reports. On […]

Iran: Compulsory veiling bill a despicable assault on rights of women and girls

Reacting to the news that Iran’s parliament has passed a new bill that would impose further draconian penalties severely violating women’s and girls’ rights as well as increasing prison terms and fines for defying Iran’s degrading and discriminatory compulsory veiling laws, […]

The Iranian women paying price for reporting on Mahsa Amini

Iranian authorities have since the death of Mahsa Amini systematically persecuted the journalists, often young women, who helped expose the case and magnify its resonance in and outside Iran, campaign groups say. Amini, 22, an Iranian of Kurdish origin, died […]