Project workers in Iran’s oil and gas fields begin an indefinite strike!

Syndicate Messenger, a trade union newsletter, published by the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI), reported on Thursday 20 June 2024 that outsourced project workers in the country’s refineries, oil and gas installations, and power plants have walked […]

CODIR at UNISON National Delegate Conference 2024

CODIR was invited by UNISON to exhibit at National Delegate Conference (NDC) in Brighton this year. We attended and set up a stall along with Liberation, a British organisation which works closely with us on the issues of human and […]

Iran/Sweden: Staggering blow to justice for 1988 prison massacres in Iran amid long overdue release of Swedish nationals

The shocking release of former Iranian prison official Hamid Nouri, sentenced to life imprisonment by a Swedish court in relation to his role in the 1988 prison massacres, following a prisoner exchange deal between Iran and Sweden on 15 June […]

Workers live in absolute poverty in Iran!

The daily minimum wage in Iran is set at a mere $4, at a time when the poverty line equates to 35,000,000 tomans ($583) per month. Before the early April spike in tensions in the Middle East involving Iran and […]

UMMI, Iran’s metalworkers’ union, appeals to IndustriALL Global Union for solidarity with the Iranian workers’ struggle for their rights, fairness, and justice! 

The Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) challenges the legitimacy of the theocratic regime’s delegation at the ILO 2024 Annual Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to represent Iranian workers’ interests. Their appeal reads as follows… To the Esteemed Leadership […]


Lack of Job Classification Incites Workers to Organize at Iran National Steel Industrial Group in Ahvaz

On Dec 30th, after 8 days of strike, the workers of Iran National Steel Industrial Group (INSIG) in Ahvaz, in south of Iran, decided to go back to work after they were promised that the employer will implement the Job […]

Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes from CODIR for health, happiness, and success in the New Year!

Join Codir’s campaign for human and democratic rights, peace, and justice in Iran! Hoping that 2024 will be a year of peace, progress and justice!

Press release – For immediate use – Call for human rights in Iran to mark anniversary of UN Declaration

The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has called for the international community to focus upon the abuse of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran to mark the anniversary of the UN Declaration of […]

Women’s activism in Iran continues, despite street protests dying down in face of state repression

by Mona Tajali, Associate Professor of International Relations and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Agnes Scott College * Large-scale protests that erupted in 2022 across Iran, centering on women’s rights, captured the world’s attention. Iranians peacefully protested in the streets of places […]

Iran: Security forces used rape and other sexual violence to crush “Woman Life Freedom” uprising with impunity

Security forces in Iran used rape and other forms of sexual violence, amounting to torture and other ill-treatment, to intimidate and punish peaceful protesters during the 2022 “Woman Life Freedom” uprising, Amnesty International said in a new report published today.   The […]

‘Women are defined as second-class citizens at the mercy of men’

GITA AZADI of the Democratic Organisation of Iranian Women talks to the Star about Iran’s famous Woman, Life, Freedom movement, the misogyny of Islamist rule, and what women worldwide can do to show solidarity THE Democratic Organisation of Iranian Women […]

CODIR AGM Welcomes New General Secretary!

For Rights and Justice in Iran: CODIR’s AGM 2023 The Committee for Defence of Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) held a well-attended AGM this weekend at UNISON’s central London headquarters. In her opening remarks, the meeting’s chair, Liz Payne, welcomed everyone, […]

We send solidarity greetings to all workers involved in strikes over the weekend in Iran

Reports are: Since Sunday 5 November, and yesterday, several oil, gas and petrochemical fields in the south, including Chabahar Petrochemical, Aghajari Oil and Gas Extraction Company, Continental Plateau Oil Company in Khark Island, Continental Plateau Oil Company in Siri, and […]

Dozens killed in blaze at drug rehab centre in Iran

Investigation under way after 32 people reported to have died in fire in Langarud, north of Tehran Local media in Iran say 32 people have died in a fire at a drug rehabilitation centre in the north of the country, up from […]

Executions in Iran are up by 30 per cent, says the UN

IRAN is carrying out executions “at an alarming rate,” putting to death at least 419 people in the first seven months of the year, the UN secretary-general said on Wednesday – a rise of 30 per cent. Antonio Guterres said […]