Category: Labour News

Steel workers of INSIG – Ahvaz have resumed their strike!

According to the Telegram channel of “The Independent Voice of the Workers at the National Steel Group”, this morning, Monday February 12, 2024, a group of workers of Iran National Steel Industrial Group (INSIG) staged a protest by halting the […]

Iranian workers pause strike as employer pledges to meet demands

6 February, 2024After suspending their strike and then going back on it due to failed promises, Iranian steel workers have again suspended the strike after employers have committed to their demands, which include alignment of salaries with other steel companies, implementation of a job classification plan and […]

Europe largest Teachers Union stands in solidarity with Iranian Teachers

Mr. Seyed Mahdi Hosseini Matin,AmbassadorEmbassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran16 Princes GateLONDONSW7 1PTEmail: [email protected] 16 January 2024 Your Excellency, Job Classification Act I am writing to you as General Secretary of the National Education Union (NEU), the UK and […]

Lack of Job Classification Incites Workers to Organize at Iran National Steel Industrial Group in Ahvaz

On Dec 30th, after 8 days of strike, the workers of Iran National Steel Industrial Group (INSIG) in Ahvaz, in south of Iran, decided to go back to work after they were promised that the employer will implement the Job […]

We send solidarity greetings to all workers involved in strikes over the weekend in Iran

Reports are: Since Sunday 5 November, and yesterday, several oil, gas and petrochemical fields in the south, including Chabahar Petrochemical, Aghajari Oil and Gas Extraction Company, Continental Plateau Oil Company in Khark Island, Continental Plateau Oil Company in Siri, and […]


Maziar Gilaninejad President Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics in Iran Sent Via Email to: [email protected] and CODIR: [email protected] On behalf of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT Union) our Union pledges “total solidarity” with striking Iranian […]

Insolidaritywith oil and gas workers in Iran

Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) Islamic Republic of Iran [email protected] Dear sisters and brothers, I am writing this letter to you as the General Secretary of IndustriALL Global Union, which represents more than fifty million workers in […]

Workers’ representatives were summarily dismissed! 

The state-run Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) has reported that four worker representatives, covering some 200 Tehran Metro ticket sales employees, who were invited to a meeting by their employer’s contractor to discuss the workers’ wage arrears, have been summarily […]

Iranian Labor Unions Have Led Inspiring Solidarity Strikes Amid the Uprising

A view of a marketplace after shopkeepers went on a three-day shutter-down strike as part of Mahsa Amini protests in Tehran, Iran, on December 6, 2022. FATEMEH BAHRAMI / ANADOLU AGENCY VIA GETTY IMAGES

Labor organizing is severely restricted in Iran but independent unions have actively backed demands for women’s rights. By Frieda Afary , TRUTHOUT January 19, 2023 anuary 16 marked the fourth month of a new uprising in Iran, which began with protests against the […]

The Human Rights Crisis in Iran

Dear Foreign Secretary, We are writing to urge the UK government to step up its opposition to the human rightscrackdown in Iran and to do all it can to pressure the Iranian authorities to halt furtherexecutions of human rights defenders.The […]