IndustriALL Global Union in solidarity with the striking project workers in the oil and gas fields in Iran

Geneva, 26 June 2024

To the Striking workers in oil and gas fields in Iran

Via Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) 

Transmitted via e-mail: 

 Dear sisters and brothers,

 I am writing this letter to you on behalf of IndustriALL Global Union, which has 550 affiliates in 130 countries, including in the mining, energy, and manufacturing sectors, to express our full support and solidarity with thousands of project workers at more than 90 worksites, including refineries, oil and gas installations and power plants throughout Iran, who have launched strikes, as of 20 June, demanding fair working conditions.

Based on the information provided by its affiliate, the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics in Iran (UMMI), IndustriALL Global Union announces its support for your demands pertaining to major changes in working conditions and shift patterns, as well as an end to the use of human resources companies, essentially labour brokerages, that disrupt and act as a buffer in the relationship between the workers and the actual employers.

It is imperative that all companies in the oil and gas sectors vastly improve working conditions, comparable with those conditions prevalent in state-owned and regulated companies, thus putting in place a rotation working schedule of 14 days working on site and 14 days paid holiday. 

They must also eliminate employment agencies and end precarious working contracts, increase wages in line with the tables provided by the “Project Workers’ Demands Campaign,” which are consistent with work experience, job complexity, education and technical skills, and location of the worksite.

The striking workers must be ensured safer and healthy working environment—improving cleanliness and sanitation in dormitories, better food quality in canteens, improved transportation services, and the installation of effective air conditioning and adequate ventilation as in some regions, temperatures exceed 50 degrees Celsius.    

You are not alone, sisters and brothers, your voice is strongly heard throughout the world. IndustriALL Global Union stands in solidarity with your struggle and just demands.

In solidarity, 

Atle Høie, General Secretary

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