IndustriALL Global Union in solidarity with the striking project workers in the oil and gas fields in Iran

To the Striking workers in oil and gas fields in Iran 

Dear Comrades,

We are reaching out to (UMMI) on behalf of the Mining and Energy Union of Australia, a proud affiliate of IndustriALL Global Union with a network spanning 130 countries and encompassing industries such as mining, energy, and manufacturing. 

We wish to convey our unwavering support and solidarity to the numerous project workers across more than 90 worksites in Iran, including refineries, oil and gas installations, and power plants, who initiated strikes on 20 June 2024 to demand fair working conditions.

Having received reports from IndustriALL Global Union, we stand firmly behind your calls for significant improvements in working conditions and shift patterns. We echo your plea for the cessation of human resources companies serving as intermediaries that disrupt the direct relationship between workers and their employers.

It is critical for companies operating in the oil and gas sectors to enhance working conditions to align with those found in state-owned and regulated enterprises. This includes implementing a rotational working schedule of 14 days on-site followed by 14 days of paid leave. 

Furthermore, wages should be increased in accordance with the guidelines outlined by the “Project Workers’ Demands Campaign,” reflecting work experience, job complexity, education, technical skills, and worksite location.

The striking workers must be ensured a safer and healthy working environment improving cleanliness and sanitation in dormitories, better food quality in canteens, improved transportation services, and the installation of effective air conditioning and adequate ventilation as in some regions, temperatures exceed 50 degrees Celsius. 

Please know that you are not alone. Your voices resonate globally, and the Mining and Energy Union stands in solidarity with your struggle and supports your demands.

In solidarity,

Grahame Kelly

General Secretary 

Mining and Energy Union

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