Interview with Maziar Gilaninejad, spokesperson for the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI): “We only want justice and our rights!”

Maziar Gilaninejad talks about the critical situation in workplaces in Iran; labour protests in the country; and the unresponsiveness and questionable performance of the authorities and managers of factories and projects across Iran.

End ALL Executions in Iran!

Iran sentences female labour activist to death Iran carries out the most executions per capita in the world Sharifeh Mohammadi, a 45-year-old industrial design engineer and campaigner for workers’ rights, was condemned to death on 4 July on charges of […]

Iran’s parliament endorses reformist President Pezeshkian’s new cabinet

Head of government stresses that his appointments were a compromise built to avoid political discord Najmeh Bozorgmehr Iran’s hardline parliament has endorsed the cabinet proposed by reformist President Masoud Pezeshkian, an important victory for the new head of government and […]

What’s going on inside Iran as the world awaits retaliation against Israel?

Story by Amin Khodadadi and Yuliya Talmazan TEHRAN — As  the world waits for Iran’s next step abroad, the talk inside the Islamic Republic is not just of what a retaliatory strike against Israel would mean for the Middle East, but what it would mean […]

Iran: Shocking secret execution of young man in relation to “Woman Life Freedom” uprising

Responding to reports that the Iranian authorities this morning arbitrarily executed Reza Rasaei, a 34-year-old member of the oppressed Kurdish and Yaresan ethnic and religious minorities, in connection to the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising of September-December 2022, without providing prior […]


Iranian workers struggle for justice

25.02.2016 Maziyar Gilaninejhad of the Union of the Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) talks about the challenges and struggles of Iranian workers, and the likely effects of the nuclear deal on the economy. Q: The economic situation in Iran […]

Elections in Iran – The great candidate cull

Choose any candidate you like—after the mullahs have excluded reformers THE Islamic Republic of Iran, as its name suggests, has been a curious amalgam of people-power and theocracy from the start. For most of its 37 years clerics have firmly […]

A portrait of Iran’s incomplete revolution

Nearly four decades after the 1979 revolution in Iran, the story of two cellmates from the first political women’s prison symbolises an incomplete revolution, argues Soheil Asefi.

Iran: Rejected female candidates risk backlash in small towns

Source: Radio Zamaneh The Iranian president’s advisor on women’s affairs, Fahimeh Farahmanpour, has expressed grave concern over the Guardian Council’s widespread disqualification of women running in the parliamentary elections. Farahmandpour told ISNA on Tuesday February 9 that the widespread elimination […]

IndustriALL Global Union calls on Government of Iran to intervene at Khatoon Abad Copper Mines

  Mr. Hassan Rouhani President Islamic Republic of Iran Email:;   Dear Mr. President Hassan Rouhani,   I am writing to you on behalf of  IndustriALL Global Union, which represents more than 50 million workers in mining, energy […]

IndustriALL demands release of Iranian workers

03.02.2016 IndustriALL Global Union is calling on the government of Iran to immediately release 28 workers arrested on 26 January. The workers from Khatton Abad Copper Mines, were seized after taking part in a peaceful demonstration demanding the reinstatement of […]

Teachers’ Trade Union Leader – Trial begins in Tehran

The trial of Ismail Abdi, the imprisoned General Secretary of the Iranian Teachers’ Trade Association (ITTA), opened on Saturday 30 January at Branch 15 of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court according to latest reports from Iran. The charge sheet against Mr Abdi […]

Women’s Rights in Iran – Human Rights Watch

Women’s rights are severely restricted in Iran, to the point where women are even forbidden from watching men’s sports in stadiums. That ban includes Iran’s national obsession – volleyball. Human Rights Watch is launching a new campaign, #Watch4Women, to support […]

Iran Events of 2015 Produced by Human Rights Watch

Repressive elements within the security and intelligence forces, as well as the judiciary, retained wide powers and continued to be the main perpetrators of rights abuses. Executions, especially for drug-related offenses, increased sharply from previous years. Security and intelligence forces […]

Iranian elections – the illusion of democracy

With Iranian Parliamentary elections scheduled for 26th February attention will once again focus upon the Islamic Republic for any signs of change following the recent rapprochement with the West.  Jane Green reports. Iran’s return to the international fold has been […]