Iran: Women’s Rights Defender Resentenced to Death: Sharifeh Mohammadi

Iranian human rights defender Sharifeh Mohammadi is at risk of execution after a Revolutionary Court in Rasht, Gilan province, sentenced her to death again in February 2025. She was convicted of “armed rebellion against the state” (baghi) solely for her […]

20 February 2025:  World Day of Social Justice

International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) mark World Day of Social Justice with report highlighting the experiences of persecuted trade unionists from the transport sector around the world. In the report, which referenced cases from the situation inside Iran (CODIR faithfully […]

Press statement – CODIR Central Council vows to redouble solidarity efforts

23rd February 2025 For immediate release The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR), at its Central Council this weekend, agreed to raise the profile of its solidarity work with the people of Iran.  Following up on […]

Iran: Journalists hit by a new wave of pressure

From 23 January 2025, Iran’s intelligence agencies summoned journalists and media activists Zhila Bani-Yaghoub, Pejman Mousavi, Omid Faraghat, Maryam Shokrani and Alieh Motaleb Zadeh to appear at the Evin prosecutor’s office. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Iranian […]

CODIR joins calls for the release of incarcerated opposition leaders in Iran

CODIR has been closely following, with growing concern, the developments underway inside Iran pertaining to protests and rallies planned for Friday 14 February.  This date marks the 14th anniversary of the incarceration under house arrest of three of the country’s […]


Iran’s Fake Election

A spokesperson for the Executive Council of CODIR summarizes the Council’s assessment of the forthcoming presidential election in Iran – that, as things stand, it offers no hope of democracy and serves only to confirm and strengthen the theocratic dictatorship’s stranglehold […]

Iran: Fears grow for health of jailed journalist on hunger strike

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PRESS RELEASE 7 April 2017   Fears are growing for a jailed journalist and political activist whose health has deteriorated sharply after 30 days on hunger strike, said Amnesty International. Hengameh Shahidi, 41, who has a pre-existing heart […]

CODIR calls for solidarity with the 17-year-old asylum-seeker viciously beaten in a racist attack in South London

This weekend just gone – coinciding with the closing days of Norouz, the Iranian New Year festival – saw headline news that sent a shudder down the backs of those paying attention… the vicious, unprovoked attack on a seventeen-year-old Kurdish […]

UN Condemns Theocratic Iran’s Human Rights Record

The UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution last week expressing concern over the human rights situation in Iran, and extended the mission of Asma Jahangir, the Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran, and has asked the Iranian government […]

CODIR Bulletin March 2017 is published!

In this issue: – Greetings on International Women’s Day! Campaigns for Women’s Rights in Iran! Page 1 – Government  Has Failed Women! Page 1 –Progress for women in Iran only comes with freedom, equality and Justice Page 2,3 – International […]

Global Trade Union leader calls for respect for workers’ rights in Iran

Anders Ferbe, the leader of Sweden’s Metalworkers and Industrial Union, while visiting Tehran as a member of an official high-level Swedish government delegation, issued an important statement supporting trade union rights in Iran on Saturday 11 February 2017. His initiative – […]

Iran Should Take American Threats Seriously

by Shireen T. Hunter It was not surprising that Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, national security adviser to President Donald Trump, “officially put…Iran on notice,” following what he cited as “recent Iranian actions, including a provocative ballistic missile launch and an […]


AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL URGENT ACTION Iranian academic specializing in disaster medicine Dr Ahmadreza Djalali, a resident of Sweden detained in Iran since 25 April 2016, has been threatened with the death penalty. He has been on hunger strike since 26 December […]

Solidarity group expresses concern over rising US/Iran tensions

6th February 2017 Press Release For Immediate Use Solidarity organisation, the Committee for the Defence of Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR), has expressed concern that the Iranian people will be the main losers in the current war of words between the […]

Trauma and Solidarity: How Firefighters Support Each Other Worldwide

Firefighters in Tehran are receiving messages of support from around the world following yesterday’s catastrophic fire at the famous Plasco building in downtown Tehran, which collapsed killing at least 30 firefighters and an unknown number of other people inside. In […]