20 February 2025:  World Day of Social Justice

International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) mark World Day of Social Justice with report highlighting the experiences of persecuted trade unionists from the transport sector around the world. In the report, which referenced cases from the situation inside Iran (CODIR faithfully […]

Press statement – CODIR Central Council vows to redouble solidarity efforts

23rd February 2025 For immediate release The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR), at its Central Council this weekend, agreed to raise the profile of its solidarity work with the people of Iran.  Following up on […]

Iran: Journalists hit by a new wave of pressure

From 23 January 2025, Iran’s intelligence agencies summoned journalists and media activists Zhila Bani-Yaghoub, Pejman Mousavi, Omid Faraghat, Maryam Shokrani and Alieh Motaleb Zadeh to appear at the Evin prosecutor’s office. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Iranian […]

CODIR joins calls for the release of incarcerated opposition leaders in Iran

CODIR has been closely following, with growing concern, the developments underway inside Iran pertaining to protests and rallies planned for Friday 14 February.  This date marks the 14th anniversary of the incarceration under house arrest of three of the country’s […]

Iran: Urgent global action needed to halt imminent execution of Kurdish humanitarian worker

Responding to reports that Iran’s Supreme Court rejected the request for judicial review of the conviction and death sentence of humanitarian aid worker Pakhshan Azizi, 40, from Iran’s oppressed Kurdish ethnic minority, Diana Eltahawy, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the […]



Shahram Ahmadi, aged 28, learned in October 2015 that his death sentence had been upheld by the Supreme Court. The judge overseeing the implementation of sentences in Raja’ Shahr Prison in Karaj, where he is held, has apparently told him […]

Joint Letter to the Member States of the UN General Assembly on the Protection of Human Rights in Iran

To: Member States of the UN General Assembly Your Excellency: We, the undersigned human rights and civil society organizations, urge your government to vote in favor of Resolution A/C.3/70/L.45 on the promotion and protection of human rights in the Islamic […]

Iran refuses to free student activist Bahareh Hedayat after six years in jail

Seven years ago this summer, everything was set for the marriage ceremony of a young Iranian couple who had met and fallen in love at university. But on the day before the wedding, plain clothes officers raided the house of […]

Act now! Free Ismail Abdi, Iranian teacher union leader – Incarceration of Iranian Teacher Union Leader Ismail Abdi

On behalf of the British trade union movement and our 6 million members, I urge you to convey to your government our call for them to release Ismail Abdi immediately and unconditionally and drop all charges against him as he […]

Iran: Attacks on Workers’ Rights Escalating

On 15 September, retired and former president of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Company Workers’ Syndicate, Ali Nejati, was arrested after the police raided his home. The next day Mahmoud Salehi, a founding member Bakery Workers’ Union in the city of […]

Unison calls for the Release of Ismail Abdi, Secretary General of Iran’s Teachers’ Trade Association

I am writing on behalf of UNISON’s 1.3 million members in public services in the United Kingdom, to express our deep concern about the imprisonment of Ismail Abdi, Secretary General of Iran’s Teachers’ Trade Association (ITTA). Ismail Abdi is a […]

Britain Union of Teachers Demands Abdi’s Freedom

News has reached us in recent days of the re-arrest and detention of the General Secretary of the Iranian Teachers’ Association, Mr Esmail Abdi as a result of his legitimate trade union activities. I write on behalf of National Union […]