Iran: Women’s Rights Defender Resentenced to Death: Sharifeh Mohammadi

Iranian human rights defender Sharifeh Mohammadi is at risk of execution after a Revolutionary Court in Rasht, Gilan province, sentenced her to death again in February 2025. She was convicted of “armed rebellion against the state” (baghi) solely for her […]

20 February 2025:  World Day of Social Justice

International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) mark World Day of Social Justice with report highlighting the experiences of persecuted trade unionists from the transport sector around the world. In the report, which referenced cases from the situation inside Iran (CODIR faithfully […]

Press statement – CODIR Central Council vows to redouble solidarity efforts

23rd February 2025 For immediate release The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR), at its Central Council this weekend, agreed to raise the profile of its solidarity work with the people of Iran.  Following up on […]

Iran: Journalists hit by a new wave of pressure

From 23 January 2025, Iran’s intelligence agencies summoned journalists and media activists Zhila Bani-Yaghoub, Pejman Mousavi, Omid Faraghat, Maryam Shokrani and Alieh Motaleb Zadeh to appear at the Evin prosecutor’s office. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Iranian […]

CODIR joins calls for the release of incarcerated opposition leaders in Iran

CODIR has been closely following, with growing concern, the developments underway inside Iran pertaining to protests and rallies planned for Friday 14 February.  This date marks the 14th anniversary of the incarceration under house arrest of three of the country’s […]


End the ordeal of Narges Mohammadi!

Free all women political prisoners in Iran! On 27 May 2021, media outlets in Iran and from around the world reported that the courts in the Islamic Republic of Iran have sentenced Ms. Narges Mohammadi – a noted human rights […]

Iran’s failure to explain uranium traces is ‘big problem’, says IAEA chief

Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, briefs the press at the agency’s headquarters in Vienna on Monday. Photograph: Xinhua/Rex/Shutterstock

UN nuclear inspectorate chief asks Tehran to ‘come clean’ about uranium found at three sites Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor Wed 26 May 2021 Iran’s failure to provide credible explanations for traces of uranium found at two undeclared sites is “a big […]

Presidents, pragmatism and power in the Middle East

Biden’s attitude towards the Middle East is beginning to take shape as Iran builds towards a presidential election of its own. STEVE BISHOP  senior Executive Council of CODIR considers the issues facing the leadership in both countries IRAN’S national democratic […]

Zarif’s Beefs

Mohammad Javad Zarif, the foreign minister of Iran, smiling at a UN meeting in New York City/Drew Angerer/Getty Images

A leaked gossipy interview with Iran’s outgoing foreign minister confirms that the Revolutionary Guards’ domination is much more advanced than previously imagined Arash Azizi Mohammad Javad Zarif, the foreign minister of Iran, smiling at a UN meeting in New […]

Iran: Stop destruction of mass grave site and allow dignified burials of persecuted Baha’is

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL PRESS RELEASE 29 April 2021 Iranian authorities are banning members of the persecuted Baha’i minority from burying their loved ones in empty plots at a cemetery near Tehran that they have used for decades, instead insisting they bury […]

CODIR’s message and contribution to London online May Day 2021 event on 1st May.

CODIR’s message and contribution to London online May Day 2021 event on 1st May.

Press release – Urgent action on International Workers Day 2021

30th April 2021 Press release The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has called upon trade union leaders in the UK to take urgent action on International Worker’s Day (1st May) to highlight the ongoing plight […]

Happy May Day, the International Day of Workers’ Solidarity!

The current [Iranian] year 1400 coincides with the 100th anniversary of the inauguration of International Workers’ Day in our country. The first gathering of International Workers’ Day in Iran was held on the initiative of the Central Union of Workers of Iran […]

May Day! Call for urgent action!

On the eve of May Day 2021, join us in campaigning for the release of all trade unionists imprisoned in the Islamic Republic of Iran! CODIR calls for the release of Esmail Abdi and all imprisoned trade unionists in Iran, […]

The Situation of Women’s Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran…

HRANA – On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Human Rights Activists in Iran highlights the situation of women’s rights in Iran during the 8 year term of President Hassan Rouhani. The following report includes an 8-year statistical overview of the […]