CODIR Calls for urgent solidarity with striking workers in Iran:

Project workers at South Pars Gas Refineries Strike for the Eleventh Consecutive Week

CODIR addresses the NEU’s successful International Solidarity Conference 2024. 

The event was held in central London to mark 75 years of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. amshid Ahmadi, CODIR’s Assistant General Secretary, provided one of the keynote addresses at the conference session titled ‘The importance of international solidarity in […]

Peace needs to be a strategic priority

It is known that Army Gen. Erik Kurilla, who heads US Central Command, with responsibility for US military operations in the Middle East, has met with Gallant and top Israeli military commanders, to warn against striking Iran’s nuclear sites or oil facilities.

Solidarity organisation calls on support for Iranian mineworkers

The recent explosion at the privately owned Ma’adanJo mine in Tabas, in Khorasan Province East Iran, has trapped at least 69 miners in tunnels, hundreds of meters deep and, at the most recent count, resulted in 51 deaths. 

Woman, Life, Freedom: two years of defiance in Iran

Iran’s women’s rights movement now joins widespread unrest, as pensioners, steelworkers and students unite against corruption, repression and economic mismanagement by the theocratic regime, writes STEVE BISHOP


Regime ups stakes in repressive measures

A year ago 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was murdered by Iran’s security services while in their custody. STEVE BISHOP assesses the build up to the anniversary and possible outcomes N September 16 2022 Mahsa Amini was detained by the Iranian regime’s […]

Iranian authorities have launched a new repressive onslaught on women rights defenders in the country

Iran: Mass Arrests of Women’s Rights Defenders At Least a Dozen Arrested Ahead of Protests’ Anniversary (Beirut) – Iranian authorities have arrested at least a dozen activists and increased pressure on a wide range of peaceful dissidents ahead of the anniversary of […]

Britain should apologise for its role in the 1953 coup d’état that subverted democracy in Iran!

Today, 19 August, marks the 70th anniversary of the 1953 coup d’état in Iran which brought down the government of democratically elected Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh.  STEVE BISHOP explores Britain’s role in the coup and why demands for an apology continue to be […]

Iran arrests 12 female activists in crackdown ahead of protest anniversary

Iran on Wednesday detained at least 12 female activists in what rights groups say is an escalating campaign to deter protests to mark the anniversary of the “woman, life, freedom” uprising that swept the country last year. The protest movement […]

Iran Launches New Crackdown, Targeting E-commerce Giant for Photos of Female Employees Without Headscarves

A week after authorities in Iran threatened to renew a crackdown on women not wearing the hijab, the country’s morality police has shut down an office of the country’s largest e-commerce company and initiated judicial proceedings against it. The action came after […]

Iran protests, death of Mahsa Amini: NZ MPs confront Iranian ambassador Reza Nazar Ahari in fiery meeting

Iranian-born MP Golriz Ghahraman confronted the Iranian ambassador with images of Mahsa Amini and protesters killed since her death in an at times heated meeting at Parliament about the Islamic Republic’s response to the protests and executions that have drawn […]

Iran proposes new hijab law ahead of Mahsa Amini protests anniversary

Draft law sets out range of proposals such as longer prison terms, AI surveillance and crackdown for hijab violation Authorities in Iran are considering a new harsh law forcing hijab-wearing, which experts fear would enshrine unprecedentedly extreme punitive measures into […]

Iran: International community must stand with women and girls suffering intensifying oppression

The Iranian authorities are doubling down on their oppressive methods of policing and severely oppressing Iranian women and girls for defying degrading compulsory veiling laws, Amnesty International said today. In a detailed analysis published today, the organization exposes the authorities’ intensified nationwide crackdown on women and girls who choose not to wear headscarves in public. In the latest escalation on 16 July, the spokesperson of Iran’s police, Saeed Montazer-Almahdi, announced the return of police […]

Pensioners gathered this week to protest in several cities across Iran.

Iranian pensioners have resumed their protests in towns and cities across Iran, once more resounding their calls for human and democratic rights, as well as social justice – against the fraught backdrop following the months-long popular uprising in the country […]

Why is Iran reintroducing its ‘morality police’?

After nationwide protests last year and increasing numbers of women defying the headscarf law, the “morality police” had effectively disappeared from the streets of Iran. But the authorities have launched a new campaign to enforce the law. On Sunday, Saeid Montazeralmahdi, a […]