Iran: ‘Atrocity crimes’ must be investigated and perpetrators prosecuted, says Special Rapporteur

22 July 2024 GENEVA – A UN Special Rapporteur said an international mechanism is essential to investigate and prosecute those responsible for “atrocity crimes” in Iran, including the extra-judicial killing of thousands of arbitrarily arrested prisoners during a crackdown by authorities […]

How Iran’s Khamenei elevated a little-known moderate to the presidency

By Parisa Hafezi July 18, 20245:03 AM PDTUpdated 2 days ago DUBAI, July 18 (Reuters) – When intelligence officials briefed Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in May ahead of a snap presidential election, their report was grim: angered by economic hardship and […]

Film of the week – Bedroom Farsi

The Star’s critic MARIA DUARTE recommends a quietly powerful drama that examines an Iranian mother and daughter who escape domestic abuse THIS quietly powerful drama set in Australia in 1995 explores a clash of cultures as it shows the resilience, […]

Press release – Solidarity organisation backs oil workers in Iran

19th July 2024 For immediate use Reports from Iran confirm that currently more than 25,000 project workers, at the oil and gas fields and terminals in southern Iran, are continuing their industrial action which began on 21 June. Leading UK […]

To the strikers in Iran’s oil and gas fields Through the Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran of Iran (UMMI)

Dear Colleagues and Comrades, On behalf of the CGT Mining and Energy Federation, we hereby express our full and unwavering support for your legitimate struggle for decent and fair working conditions. Your determination and courage in the face of adversity […]


Iran: Compulsory veiling bill a despicable assault on rights of women and girls

Reacting to the news that Iran’s parliament has passed a new bill that would impose further draconian penalties severely violating women’s and girls’ rights as well as increasing prison terms and fines for defying Iran’s degrading and discriminatory compulsory veiling laws, […]

The Iranian women paying price for reporting on Mahsa Amini

Iranian authorities have since the death of Mahsa Amini systematically persecuted the journalists, often young women, who helped expose the case and magnify its resonance in and outside Iran, campaign groups say. Amini, 22, an Iranian of Kurdish origin, died […]

IRAN TODAY Autumn 2023 was published by CODIR!

The Autumn issue of Iran Today, the progressive campaign for peace, human and democratic rights, and social justice in Iran was published by CODIR! -Editorial: Theocratic Regime is Fearful, Desperate, and Despotic! Page 2 -Public sector workers fight poverty wages […]

Iran: Draft hijab law tantamount to ‘gender apartheid’ say rights experts

1 September 2023 Human Rights A group of UN Human Rights Council-appointed experts expressed their grave concern on Friday over a new draft law in Iran sanctioning new punishments for women and girls who fail to wear the headscarf, or hijab, in […]

Sanctions Against Iran Have Made the Country’s Rich Richer and Its Poor Poorer

BYESFANDYAR BATMANGHELIDJ ZEP KALB Iran has been subjected to extensive sanctions for the better part of the last decade. The sanctions were meant to target the country’s elite; instead, they have hurt the poor most and enabled the richest households to […]

Regime ups stakes in repressive measures

A year ago 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was murdered by Iran’s security services while in their custody. STEVE BISHOP assesses the build up to the anniversary and possible outcomes N September 16 2022 Mahsa Amini was detained by the Iranian regime’s […]

Iranian authorities have launched a new repressive onslaught on women rights defenders in the country

Iran: Mass Arrests of Women’s Rights Defenders At Least a Dozen Arrested Ahead of Protests’ Anniversary (Beirut) – Iranian authorities have arrested at least a dozen activists and increased pressure on a wide range of peaceful dissidents ahead of the anniversary of […]

Britain should apologise for its role in the 1953 coup d’état that subverted democracy in Iran!

Today, 19 August, marks the 70th anniversary of the 1953 coup d’état in Iran which brought down the government of democratically elected Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh.  STEVE BISHOP explores Britain’s role in the coup and why demands for an apology continue to be […]

Iran arrests 12 female activists in crackdown ahead of protest anniversary

Iran on Wednesday detained at least 12 female activists in what rights groups say is an escalating campaign to deter protests to mark the anniversary of the “woman, life, freedom” uprising that swept the country last year. The protest movement […]

Iran Launches New Crackdown, Targeting E-commerce Giant for Photos of Female Employees Without Headscarves

A week after authorities in Iran threatened to renew a crackdown on women not wearing the hijab, the country’s morality police has shut down an office of the country’s largest e-commerce company and initiated judicial proceedings against it. The action came after […]