UN tribute to Iran’s late President Raisi marred by protests and European and US snubs

Story by EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly’s tribute to Iran’s late President Ebrahim Raisi was snubbed by Western and East European nations on Thursday amid protests against honoring a leader who was reviled for […]

Iran: President Raisi’s death must not deny victims of his grim human rights legacy their right to accountability

The death of president Ebrahim Raisi must not deny people in Iran their right to justice, truth and reparation for the litany of crimes under international law and human rights violations committed since the 1980s during his time in the […]

‘Exhausting and extremely dangerous’: Mohammad Rasoulof on his escape from Iran

Exclusive: The director of The Seed of the Sacred Fig details how he discarded electronic devices and fled over the mountains on foot after authorities sentenced him to eight years in prison and flogging Iranian director Mohammad Rasoulof escaped imminent imprisonment […]

‘I am ready to return whenever they say’: Nasrin Sotoudeh on prison, the hijab, and violence in Iran

Exclusive: the human rights lawyer, temporarily released from jail on medical grounds, describes her love for her family, and why she keeps going despite brutal treatment at the hands of the regime Iran’s Qarchak jail has been called many things: […]

Director Mohammad Rasoulof flees Iran ahead of Cannes premiere

CANNES (Reuters) – Mohammad Rasoulof, a celebrated Iranian director whose latest film is competing in the Cannes Film Festival, has fled Iran after being sentenced to eight years in prison and flogging. In a statement dated Sunday, Rasoulof said he […]


CODIR Calls for stay of Execution of Nayeb Askari! 

Political prisoner Nayeb Askari faces execution in Orumiyeh Central Prison on trumped-up charges based on confessions obtained through sustained and inhumane tortures. HRANA (Human Rights News Agency) reported on 2 February that Nayeb (Naeb) Askari, held in Orumiyeh Central Prison, […]


Trade unions in Britain and around the world are urged to show solidarity with Iranian workers in the steel, oil, petrochemical, railways, and their strikes for fair treatment and working conditions. The workers of Iran National Steel Industrial Group (INSIG) […]

Avoid Iran, Sweden warns, as two nationals now held

Sweden has urged all its citizens not to travel to Iran, where a second Swedish national was recently arrested, in addition to the detained diplomat Johan Floderus. “In view of the security situation, the [Swedish] ministry for foreign affairs advises […]

CODIR strongly condemns execution of four Kurdish political prisoners in Iran this morning

Mizan news agency, affiliated with the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, this morning [Monday 29 January] reported the execution of four Kurdish political prisoners, in Qezel Hesar prison in Karaj.  The execution of Mohsen Mazloum, Mohammad Faramarzi, Vafa Azarbar, […]

Iran: 2 Detainees Executed, 11 Await Imminent Execution

Authorities Targeting Ethnic Minorities in Death Penalty Spree (Beirut) – Iranian authorities have recently escalated executions at an alarming rate, including those of Farhad Salimi and Mohammed Ghobadlou on January 23, with at least 11 people at imminent risk, many of them from minority communities, Human Rights […]

Iran urged to halt ‘horrific wave of executions’

23 January 2024 The United Nations on Tuesday underlined its condemnation of capital punishment following Iran’s execution of a young man who was sentenced to death in connection with widespread protests. Mohammad Ghobadlou, 23, who reportedly had a mental health […]

CODIR condemns the execution of Mohammad Ghobadlou in Iran

Mohammad Ghobadlou, a 23-year-old prisoner who was arrested during the violent suppression of mass protests that followed in the wake of the killing of Mahsa Amini, was executed on the early morning of Tuesday 23 January. The Mizan news agency, […]

Press release – Solidarity organisation raises Middle East peace concerns

20th January 2024 For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has called for the international community to intervene to prevent the further escalation of conflicts in the Middle East, which has seen the […]

Europe largest Teachers Union stands in solidarity with Iranian Teachers

Mr. Seyed Mahdi Hosseini Matin,AmbassadorEmbassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran16 Princes GateLONDONSW7 1PTEmail: iranemb.lon@mfa.gov.ir 16 January 2024 Your Excellency, Job Classification Act I am writing to you as General Secretary of the National Education Union (NEU), the UK and […]

Iranian Woman Defiant Despite ‘Medieval’ Flogging For Hijab Violation

Roya Heshmati has stated that she had been lashed 74 times because of a social media post she made in April in which she could be seen without a hijab. The lashes to Roya Heshmati’s body have triggered renewed condemnation […]