UN tribute to Iran’s late President Raisi marred by protests and European and US snubs

Story by EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly’s tribute to Iran’s late President Ebrahim Raisi was snubbed by Western and East European nations on Thursday amid protests against honoring a leader who was reviled for […]

Iran: President Raisi’s death must not deny victims of his grim human rights legacy their right to accountability

The death of president Ebrahim Raisi must not deny people in Iran their right to justice, truth and reparation for the litany of crimes under international law and human rights violations committed since the 1980s during his time in the […]

‘Exhausting and extremely dangerous’: Mohammad Rasoulof on his escape from Iran

Exclusive: The director of The Seed of the Sacred Fig details how he discarded electronic devices and fled over the mountains on foot after authorities sentenced him to eight years in prison and flogging Iranian director Mohammad Rasoulof escaped imminent imprisonment […]

‘I am ready to return whenever they say’: Nasrin Sotoudeh on prison, the hijab, and violence in Iran

Exclusive: the human rights lawyer, temporarily released from jail on medical grounds, describes her love for her family, and why she keeps going despite brutal treatment at the hands of the regime Iran’s Qarchak jail has been called many things: […]

Director Mohammad Rasoulof flees Iran ahead of Cannes premiere

CANNES (Reuters) – Mohammad Rasoulof, a celebrated Iranian director whose latest film is competing in the Cannes Film Festival, has fled Iran after being sentenced to eight years in prison and flogging. In a statement dated Sunday, Rasoulof said he […]


Iran refuses to free student activist Bahareh Hedayat after six years in jail

Seven years ago this summer, everything was set for the marriage ceremony of a young Iranian couple who had met and fallen in love at university. But on the day before the wedding, plain clothes officers raided the house of […]

Act now! Free Ismail Abdi, Iranian teacher union leader – Incarceration of Iranian Teacher Union Leader Ismail Abdi

On behalf of the British trade union movement and our 6 million members, I urge you to convey to your government our call for them to release Ismail Abdi immediately and unconditionally and drop all charges against him as he […]

Iran: Attacks on Workers’ Rights Escalating

On 15 September, retired and former president of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Company Workers’ Syndicate, Ali Nejati, was arrested after the police raided his home. The next day Mahmoud Salehi, a founding member Bakery Workers’ Union in the city of […]

Unison calls for the Release of Ismail Abdi, Secretary General of Iran’s Teachers’ Trade Association

I am writing on behalf of UNISON’s 1.3 million members in public services in the United Kingdom, to express our deep concern about the imprisonment of Ismail Abdi, Secretary General of Iran’s Teachers’ Trade Association (ITTA). Ismail Abdi is a […]

Britain Union of Teachers Demands Abdi’s Freedom

News has reached us in recent days of the re-arrest and detention of the General Secretary of the Iranian Teachers’ Association, Mr Esmail Abdi as a result of his legitimate trade union activities. I write on behalf of National Union […]