Category: Features

Pensioners gathered this week to protest in several cities across Iran.

Iranian pensioners have resumed their protests in towns and cities across Iran, once more resounding their calls for human and democratic rights, as well as social justice – against the fraught backdrop following the months-long popular uprising in the country […]

Why is Iran reintroducing its ‘morality police’?

After nationwide protests last year and increasing numbers of women defying the headscarf law, the “morality police” had effectively disappeared from the streets of Iran. But the authorities have launched a new campaign to enforce the law. On Sunday, Saeid Montazeralmahdi, a […]

Iran’s Rulers Have Contained the Protest Movement, but the System Is Far From Stable

BY: AFSHIN MATIN-ASGARI The Iranian leadership has managed to contain the biggest protest wave since the 1979 revolution. De-escalation of geopolitical tensions with the US would help the protesters, making it harder to depict domestic dissent as the product of foreign […]

In Defence of Justice! Hands Off the Iranian Bar Association!

–       Iran Jails and Threatens Human Rights Attorneys –       At Least 44 Defence Attorneys Arrested Since September 2022 The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) notes with deep concern the latest move by the Islamic Republic dictatorship in […]

Iran: Executions and detentions in spotlight at Human Rights CouncilIran: Executions and detentions in spotlight at Human Rights Council

Iran faced calls on Wednesday from top UN-appointed rights investigators to halt the executions of people sentenced to death in connection with anti-Government demonstrations that have continued since the death in custody of Mahsa Amini last September. “We have expressed […]

Council of the European Union targets seven individuals over serious human rights violations

The Council decided today to impose a ninth package of restrictive measures on an additional 7 individuals responsible for serious human rights violations in Iran. The new listings include the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Isfahan province and the Deputy Judge of […]

Iranian mayor’s visit to Brussels causes stir

Tehran’s mayor Alireza Zakani – an ultra-radical of the Iranian regime – has been invited to attend the Brussels Urban Summit, and even though he is not on the sanctions list, his presence in Brussels was questioned, notably in light […]

Inside Iran’s Biggest Strike Wave since 1979

Growing labour unrest is keeping the revolution alive and threatening the ruling establishment AUTHOR: Hamid Mohseni If we are to understand and evaluate the situation faced by the striking workers in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is essential […]

Iran: Prisons turned into killing fields as drug-related executions almost triple this year

Iranian authorities have executed at least 173 people convicted of drug-related offences this year after systematically unfair trials, nearly three times more than this time last year, Amnesty International said today. Executions for drug-related offences make up two thirds of […]

Stop the execution spree in Iran

The Iranian authorities are carrying out a horrific state-sanctioned killing spree under the guise of judicial executions. Those executed include people convicted of drug-related offences, protesters, political dissidents, and members of oppressed ethnic minorities. Call for states to urgently intervene […]