Voting for Neoliberalism With Iranian Characteristics

BYARRON REZA MERAT Sanctioned, isolated, and living under a neoliberal state seemingly out of options, Iranians go to the polls today. As Iran goes to the polls on June 28 for an emergency 2024 election to replace president Ebrahim Raisi, […]

IndustriALL Global Union in solidarity with the striking project workers in the oil and gas fields in Iran

To the Striking workers in oil and gas fields in Iran  Dear Comrades, We are reaching out to (UMMI) on behalf of the Mining and Energy Union of Australia, a proud affiliate of IndustriALL Global Union with a network spanning […]

IndustriALL Global Union in solidarity with the striking project workers in the oil and gas fields in Iran

Geneva, 26 June 2024 To the Striking workers in oil and gas fields in Iran Via Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI)  Transmitted via e-mail:   Dear sisters and brothers,  I am writing this letter to you on […]


On behalf of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT Union) Annual General Meeting taking place this week in the City of Hull our Union pledges total solidarity with striking Iranian oil and gas project workers fighting […]

Iran: oil and gas workers striking for better conditions

27 June, 2024Iranian workers employed at oil and gas sector projects, at more than 90 worksites including refineries, oil and gas installations and power plants throughout Iran, started striking on 20 June, demanding shift changes, elimination of employment agencies and wage […]


Iran: Swift action by UN Human Rights Council essential after latest horrifying protester killings

November 22, 2022 UN Human Rights Council member states must urgently establish an investigative and accountability mechanism on Iran to address the alarming spike in unlawful killings and other human rights violations, Amnesty International said today, following a week in […]

French parliament vote condemns crackdown on Iranian protests, backs women’s rights

The French National Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on Monday offering “support for the Iranian people” and condemning, in particular, the restriction of women’s freedoms and rights. This comes ahead of a meeting of EU foreign ministers to discuss new sanctions […]

Iran: 40 people killed in protests over past week – OHCHR

Unsplash/Artin Bakhan Protesters gather in Stockholm, Sweden, after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in the custody of Iran's morality police.

22 November 2022 More than 40 people have been killed in Iran during the past week, including two teenagers, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday.  The development came amid ongoing nationwide protests sparked by the death in custody of […]

Iran: Nine weeks and counting… The people’s righteous struggle continues!

by Liberation|Published November 21, 2022 by Payam Solhtalab The popular uprising of the Iranian people for their most basic rights and social justice goes on! It will have escaped the attention of few readers and international observers that Iran has, over the […]

Iran: Thousands held for peacefully protesting must be released

15 November 2022 The UN human rights office, OHCHR, called on Tuesday for the immediate release of thousands of Iranian citizens who have been detained after peacefully demonstrating against the Government following the death of Mahsa Amini for breaking strict hijab rules […]

Iran: Stop sentencing peaceful protesters to death, UN experts urge

Sixteen UN-appointed independent human rights experts encouraged Iranian authorities on Friday to stop indicting people with charges punishable by death for participating in peaceful demonstrations. “We urge Iranian authorities to stop using the death penalty as a tool to squash protests and reiterate […]

Executive Board Resolution on Solidarity with Women and Girls in Iran

published 10 November 2022 On September 16th, 2022, Mahsa Amini was detained by a “Guidance Patrol” in Iran for allegedly wearing a loose headscarf and thus violating Iranian dress laws.  She was beaten and subsequently died. Her death sparked a furious response […]

Senior Officer Warns Gulf Neighbors On Interfering In Iran As Unrest Continues

A senior Iranian military commander has warned Persian Gulf countries that they need to choose between “their media” and their security if they interfere in Iran’s affairs. Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, special military adviser to Iran’s supreme leader, issued […]

Angry Iranians protest ‘Bloody Friday’ massacre

Paris (AFP) – Hundreds of angry men protested after Friday prayers in Iran’s Sistan-Baluchistan province, online videos showed, six weeks after rights groups say dozens were killed during a crackdown in the region. Security forces shot dead more than 90 people […]

Iran responding to Mahsa Amini protests with ‘overwhelming repression’

By Saeid Jafari  •  Updated: 11/11/2022 – 16:31 As Iran’s biggest anti-government protests in years continue, Euronews quizzed economist Daron Acemogulu on how regimes like Tehran cope with uprisings. Acemogulu said Iran had responded to the protests — sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini after the country’s morality police […]