Workers live in absolute poverty in Iran!

The daily minimum wage in Iran is set at a mere $4, at a time when the poverty line equates to 35,000,000 tomans ($583) per month. Before the early April spike in tensions in the Middle East involving Iran and […]

UMMI, Iran’s metalworkers’ union, appeals to IndustriALL Global Union for solidarity with the Iranian workers’ struggle for their rights, fairness, and justice! 

The Union of Metalworkers and Mechanics of Iran (UMMI) challenges the legitimacy of the theocratic regime’s delegation at the ILO 2024 Annual Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, to represent Iranian workers’ interests. Their appeal reads as follows… To the Esteemed Leadership […]

CODIR Bulletin June 2024 is published!

CODIR has published a bulletin. The bulletin covers the following:

Defend University Lecturers in Iran

Defending the security of universities is defending the freedom of thought, democracy and a progressive society. CODIR (Committee for the Defence of Iranian People’s Rights) calls on all trade unions to join the solidarity movement with lecturers and students. Since […]

Iranian teachers at the heart of the struggle for change in Iran

In a country where the ruling regime has declared an unending and suffocating war against organised labour, teachers have built and shored up the only trade union body that effectively coordinates on a national level with activities right across Iran. […]


Steel workers of INSIG – Ahvaz have resumed their strike!

According to the Telegram channel of “The Independent Voice of the Workers at the National Steel Group”, this morning, Monday February 12, 2024, a group of workers of Iran National Steel Industrial Group (INSIG) staged a protest by halting the […]

Iran marks the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution as tensions grip the wider Middle East

Iran marked Sunday the 45th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution amid tensions gripping the wider Middle East over Israel’s continued war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Thousands of Iranians marched through major streets and squares decorated with flags, balloons and banners with […]

Iranian workers pause strike as employer pledges to meet demands

6 February, 2024After suspending their strike and then going back on it due to failed promises, Iranian steel workers have again suspended the strike after employers have committed to their demands, which include alignment of salaries with other steel companies, implementation of a job classification plan and […]

The European Parliament on 8 February 2024, adopted a resolution condemning the continued executions in Iran!

European Parliament resolution on the increased number of executions in Iran, in particular the case of Mohammad Ghobadlou (2024/2551(RSP)) The European Parliament, –       having regard to Rules 144(5) and 132(4) of its Rules of Procedure, A.      whereas over 800 individuals were executed […]

Solidarity with the activists and members of the Coordinating Council of Iranian Teachers’ Trade Associations (CCITTA)

CCITTA, founded in 2002, is an association of teachers’ organizations and employees of the Ministry of Education in Iran, which in its constitution  declares itself as a non-political and non-profit trade association. Its goal is to create coordination, cohesion, and […]

CODIR Calls for stay of Execution of Nayeb Askari! 

Political prisoner Nayeb Askari faces execution in Orumiyeh Central Prison on trumped-up charges based on confessions obtained through sustained and inhumane tortures. HRANA (Human Rights News Agency) reported on 2 February that Nayeb (Naeb) Askari, held in Orumiyeh Central Prison, […]


Trade unions in Britain and around the world are urged to show solidarity with Iranian workers in the steel, oil, petrochemical, railways, and their strikes for fair treatment and working conditions. The workers of Iran National Steel Industrial Group (INSIG) […]

Avoid Iran, Sweden warns, as two nationals now held

Sweden has urged all its citizens not to travel to Iran, where a second Swedish national was recently arrested, in addition to the detained diplomat Johan Floderus. “In view of the security situation, the [Swedish] ministry for foreign affairs advises […]

CODIR strongly condemns execution of four Kurdish political prisoners in Iran this morning

Mizan news agency, affiliated with the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, this morning [Monday 29 January] reported the execution of four Kurdish political prisoners, in Qezel Hesar prison in Karaj.  The execution of Mohsen Mazloum, Mohammad Faramarzi, Vafa Azarbar, […]

Iran: 2 Detainees Executed, 11 Await Imminent Execution

Authorities Targeting Ethnic Minorities in Death Penalty Spree (Beirut) – Iranian authorities have recently escalated executions at an alarming rate, including those of Farhad Salimi and Mohammed Ghobadlou on January 23, with at least 11 people at imminent risk, many of them from minority communities, Human Rights […]