1000 Days After Hostage-Taking French Citizens; 

What is the Islamic Republic Seeking? Two French trade unionists are languishing in Iran’s notorious Evin prison in Tehran!   January 31, 2025 marked the thousandth day of the detention and imprisonment of Cécile Kohler and Jacques Paris, two French teachers’ union activists. This […]

Iranian Father Arrested for Stabbing Daughter to Death

A 17-year-old girl was fatally stabbed by her father in northwestern Iran, according to a report by Hammihan newspaper. Kani Abdollahi died on January 26 after her father, Jafar Abdollahi, stabbed her in Mashkan village of Piranshahr district. While local […]

CODIR stands in support of the the brave, imaginative and effective struggle of Iranian Teachers for fairness and also quality of free nationwide education in Iran

The Iranian Coordination Council of Teachers’ Trade Associations (CCITTA):

Regarding the Publication of Reports and Letters of Support from International Institutions

Press release: CODIR welcomes postponement of execution of Ms Pakhshan Azizi

CODIR welcomes postponement of execution  The Committee for the Defence of Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) has today welcomed news from Iran that, following global protests, the execution of Kurdish care worker, Pakhshan Azizi, has been postponed.  However, CODIR General Secretary, Gawain Little, […]

The finalised resolution adopted by the European Parliament at its full plenary on Thursday 23 January 2025

TEXTS ADOPTED P10_TA(2025)0004 Systematic repression of human rights in Iran, notably the cases of Pakhshan Azizi and WrishaMoradi, and the taking of EU citizens as hostages European Parliament resolution of 23 January 2025 on the systematic repression of human rights in Iran, notably the cases […]


Peace: the people’s priority in Iran

After the Gaza genocide and unleashing chaos in Syria, the US and Israel prepare to target Tehran next, leaving the Iranian people caught between foreign intervention and continued theocratic oppression, writes GAWAIN LITTLE

Happy New Year 2025

Songs from Inside: Women inside notorious Iran prison fight for their rights – BBC World Service

Press release – CODIR AGM agrees peace and solidarity work priorities

At its Annual General Meeting this weekend delegates to the Committee for the Defence of Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) conference called for opposition to war in the Middle East, while supporting the call of the Iranian people for peace and […]

Iran: New compulsory veiling law intensifies oppression of women and girls

December 10, 2024Iranian authorities have adopted a new draconian law that further erases the human rights of women and girls, imposing the death penalty, flogging, prison terms and other severe penalties to crush ongoing resistance to compulsory veiling, Amnesty International […]

Practical solidarity with the people of Iran

CODIR general secretary GAWAIN LITTLE explains the solidarity campaign’s priorities as it holds its AGM this weekend

Iran releases Nobel Peace laureate Mohammadi on medical leave: lawyer

Iran has released Nobel Peace laureate Narges Mohammadi, jailed since November 2021, for three weeks on medical grounds, her lawyer posted on social media. “Based on the advice of the examining doctor, the public prosecutor suspended the jail sentence against […]

The increasing and systematic repression of women in Iran

European Parliament resolution of 28 November 2024 on the increasing and systematic repression of women in Iran (2024/2951(RSP))

How Iran Sees the Path to Peace

The Islamic Republic Is Open to Negotiations—Including With America

Press release – Solidarity organisation calls on support for Iranian oil and gas workers

28th November 2024 For immediate use The Committee for the Defence of Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) is calling upon trade unions in Britain to mobilise support for oil and gas workers in Iran demanding fair treatment in their wage demands. […]